In the grand scheme of the world’s existence, blogging is still an incredibly new concept. After all, the widely available World Wide Web as we know it only became accessible in the late ’90s, but even then less than half of the United States’ population was using the Internet. It wasn’t until the early 2000 when we first saw people talking online about what they were wearing — and what others were wearing — in any serious way.
These days, though, bloggers are a dime a dozen. Some may argue that’s both good and bad. Good because it gives everyday people an outlet to express themselves and their interests; bad because it’s harder to sift through the mass of bloggers to find quality material.
The Stylish City is going briefly going back in time — before insta-post sites like Tumblr or Instagram — to highlight some of NYC’s most Influential fashion bloggers. This mini series features writers who were ahead, perhaps even pioneers, of the fashion blogging boom. Some of the below have reached levels of fame they seem worthy of. Others we can’t help but ask, “Why are these bloggers so successful?” Either way, they all have something in common: they’ve influenced the fashion world.
For today’s installation, we’re featuring The Sartorialist. Stay tuned for features on Manolo’s Shoe Blog, Bryanboy, Man Repeller and Advanced Style.
NY native Scott Schuman became an Internet sensation with his world-famous street fashion blog, “The Sartorialist“, launched eight years ago in the September of 2005.
Schuman had previously worked in fashion sales, but left the job to take care of his daughter. The dad originally set out to meet and take pictures of people he met on the streets of NYC as a hobby, but the blog picked up a lot of steam and catapulted him into a full-time career of style photography. In fact, shortly after the blog’s inception, it began receiving a whopping 3 million hits per month.
Thanks to Shuman, people don’t just look to carefully crafted magazine glossies for their fashion inspiration fix; they look to everyday people who wear clothes in extraordinary ways.
The man credited with pioneering fashion photography in blog form has since inspired myriad street style blogs and visitors continue flocking to his website for both fashion inspiration and pure entertainment.
Where is The Sartorialist today?:
Schuman’s still taking to the streets today, but he’s become quite the world traveler. The Sartorialist now features pictures from all over the world’s hottest fashion capitals. He’s also published a book titled “The Sartorialist: Closer“, which features prominent style authorities and everyday people whose outfits deserve a closer look.
Since he was catapulted to fame, he’s collaborated with myriad fashion campaigns, not limited to DKNY Jeans, Burberry and The Gap. He also does work for Saks Fifth Avenue, Conde Nast and French Vogue.
It should be noted that Garance Dore, Shuman’s girlfriend, is also a pioneer in the burgeoning field of fashion blogging. Like Schuman, Dore photographs street style and the two serve as a sort of power blogger couple.
Why is this blogger successful?
Clearly, Shuman knows how to wield a camera. His camera know-how, paired with his eye for fashion and ability to get strangers to pose for him, makes The Sartorialist an automatic hit. The fact that he’s a pioneer in the world of impromptu “street style” fashion shoots made — and continues to make — his blog a wild success. He’s given a voice, of sorts, to everyday people doing fashion well, and we love that.

By Wendy Rose Gould
Posted by Wendy Rose Gould at 06:00 AM
bargain news , Opinions , People |

WHAT: DKNY Jeans Online Sample Sale @ Ruelala.com
WHY: DKNY Jeans up to 60% off!
WHEN: 6/2 11am – 6/4 11am
WHERE: RueLaLa.com
*To sign up & access the sales, please click here.
Posted by Bindra at 04:16 AM
Online Sample Sales , Today's Sales , Women's Clothing |

WHAT: DKNY Jeans Online Sample Sale @ Ruelala.com
WHY: DKNY Jeans up to 60% off!
WHEN: 1/25 11am – 1/27 11am
WHERE: RueLaLa.com
*To sign up & access the sales, please click here.
Posted by Bindra at 02:49 AM
Men's Clothing , Online Sample Sales , Today's Sales , Women's Clothing |

First off, it’s not just DKNY; The sample sale at 260 Fifth Avenue has a little bit of everything from “The Queen of Seventh Avenue”: Donna Karan, DKNY, DKNY Jeans, DKNY Pure, even a few collection items.
Since we were lucky enough to be invited to the preview, we got a chance to see what they had at the opening. But if you are concerned that they will run out of merchandise by the time you get there, don’t be. We were reassured that they will re-stock with the same items throughout the week. The well organized, well attended sale is certainly designed to put a smile on everyone’s face, although women, by far, get the most attention. The prices are extraordinary with one exception; read on, we are getting there.
Before you start shopping look at the price list on the wall, take a picture of it, and check it out as often as you need. The prices are not marked on the label, so it is a good idea to keep that phone handy. I personally started the preview in the mens section where there are blazers, trousers, shoes, sweaters and outwear – pretty much everything he needs. The extensive blazer selection has mainly summer items with just a couple in wool. Sorry, no men’s fitting room.
Women’s shoes are from DKNY with a few pairs from Donna Karan. Make sure you understand the difference between the two, as price and quality are quite different. There are also belts and tights and gloves and accessories, oh my. I think I’ve even noticed an iPad sleeve in somebody’s hand.

Now, about the prices. We thought everything was priced EXTREMELY well (see image with complete price list) until I was charged 30 dollars for a t-shirt that had a retail suggested value of 50 dollars. I am not sure what rule they applied when discounting t-shirts, but it just didn’t seem consistent with the discount rate used on the other items.
The women’s apparel section had everything between cozy sweaters, outerwear, comfy jersey dresses, trousers, jeans, sequin blouses and evening gowns. Everything is organized by number, and there are so many things that are worth talking about, that I am going to conclude these annotations by encouraging you to go today.

Doors open at 10 AM: 260 Fifth Avenue (Between 28th & 29th Streets)
WHEN: 8/21 – 8/25; Tue (10-8), W-Th (9-8), F (10-6), Sat (10-5)
WHERE: 260 Fifth Avenue
(Between 28th & 29th Streets)
New York, NY 10001
N / R/ 6 Trains to 28th Street
By Mirela Gluck
Photographs Micky Filip
Posted by Mirela Gluck at 11:24 AM
bargain news , Opinions , SALES , Sample Sale Reviews , The City |