Snow White
Guns don't kill people. Tanning beds kill people.
, New York, NY
Most beauty posts last week focused on the Academy Awards dress, jewelry, make-up and hair. But take a second look and you might notice white. Ubiquitous, er rampant, white. Maybe celebs lathered on sunscreen during their winter vacations so the rest of America wouldn’t feel raging jealousy that their monetary status lends blizzard escapes. Or they are trying to show Jersey Shore lovers that guns don’t kill people, tanning beds kill people.
But seriously, the amount of red carpet white was stunning. Skin looked exfoliated, scrubbed and very well protected from the big bad sun. The cheeks were quite bare – just a swipe of shimmery pink or the teeniest hint of tan. “It’s an entire movement towards a more pure lifestyle,” said my favorite Bliss facialist. Keeping skin safe from UVA rays (see also: anti-melanoma trend) is a lifestyle choice. And as much as we love J Wow and Snookie, skin cancer, we don’t want age spots and wrinkles in our future. We’re fine with glowing white faces for our gala’s this spring. So as the sun starts to show it’s pretty face, lather up liberally ladies. Lather up.
Emma Dinzebach
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Read More: Bargain Hunting, bargain news, Beauty, Fashion Trends, Organic Beauty, Skincare, STYLE, Tanning, Trends, What women in their 20′s want, What women in their 30s want, What women over 40 want
Posted by Emma Dinzebach at 12:00 AM
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