New York City

The Antiaging Aphrodisiac

Why you needed to know about sea moss, like yesterday.

16 August 2009

Sea moss is a form of red algae that grows along the rocky part of the Atlantic coast of Europe and North America as well as the Carribean. Sea moss is mainly comprised of carrageenan – 55% – which is commonly used as a thickener and stabilizer. Why, you ask, do you need to know so much about sea moss? Because little missy, sea moss has anti-aging qualities and is a known aphrodisiac and fertility enhancer. Sea moss also contains high concentrate of calcium, iodine, sulfur, potassium, and Vitamins A, D, E, F and K. (Yeah, I didn’t know there was a Vitamin F either – it is fatty acids.) And there’s more – healing properties of sea moss have been known to cure even the nastiest medical issues like halitosis, intestinal disorders, ulcers, bladder disorders and glandular problems. But for our purposes, we just want to look youthful.

Sea moss is an antioxidant that speeds up cellular repair and diminishes signs of aging, leaving you fresh and smelling like the sea. The secret is out and sea moss is popping up everywhere from Bora’s laundry soap to  Alba Botanica’s Sea Moss Moisturizer with SP. Molton Brown drown drank the Irish moss kool-aid – likely spiked with Bailey’s – and made a Energising Sea Moss Bath and Shower Gel. For a more direct effect, buy dry sea moss (it looks like pasta) and put it through a food processor. You can then sprinkle sea moss on food, mix with egg whites to make a natural skin-saving face mask. When soaked in water, sea moss retains it’s gelatinous form and can be blended into smoothies, shakes or for a super aphrodisiac, cocktails. Raw sea moss or Irish moss, can be purchased at most health stores.

molton brown sea moss body washabla botanica sea moss moisturizer

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Posted by Emma Dinzebach at 09:00 PM
bargain news , BEAUTY |

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