It's Like Bob Barker Always Says...
, New York, NY
As we (hopefully) say farewell to the winter weather and welcome the crisp spring sunshine, pooch parks citywide will begin to fill up with all the furry socialites that make up the big apple. With that said it is very important to have him/her up to date on all their shots and vaccines, as you never know what dogs are carrying a cold and the last thing anyone needs in this economy is another enormous bill from the vet. Now I know your thinking that just taking your pooch to the vet to get these shots can often run at least a few hundred dollars, but below I have some great tips on ways to save a few bucks without sacrificing your little New Yorker’s health.
Each month Petco’s around the city offer “vaccination hours” in which you can bring your pooch in and get them up to date on all the necessary vaccines without having to pay the expensive cost of an exam visit. Administered by licensed vets, you can simply walk in at anytime during the designated hours.
If your looking to get your pup spay or neutered but can’t afford the cost (although the thought of the possible cost of puppies could be even more scary!) The ASPCA has a great tool on their website which allows you to search through tons of options and locations where you can take fido to get fixed at a lower cost or even free.
After all, It’s like Bob Barker always says “Help control the pet population, have your pet spayed or neutered”
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Read More: Bob Barker, DOGGIE, New York Survival Guide, Recessionomics, STYLE
Posted by ladidah146 at 06:00 AM
bargain news , DOGGIE , STYLE/BEAUTY |
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