Why Men Should Be Looking Forward to All of Those Out of Season Jeans
, New York, NY
To the untrained eye, it may not have looked as if much has changed on the men’s jeans scene. But for those working behind that scene, quite the mini-crisis has been taking place. With cotton prices soaring and the economy plummeting, this crisis has not been helped by consumer apathy. Jeans just don’t seem to be as popular as they used to be, especially with men getting more and more adventurous with their dress sense.
But a plan is afoot to save the day, apparently. The big players in the world of men’s jeans are putting together a huge fourth quarter push in an attempt to revive flagging sales – even though, in the bigger scheme of things, sales haven’t dipped that much when compared with other sectors. And the core idea at the heart if this plan is? A “reinterpretation” of colored denim and vintage wash jeans.
This might seem like a tired old formula with little inspiration behind it, but when you look a little deeper there is more to this sales push than meets the eye at first glance. For instance they have decided to concentrate on the premium sector, which has seen significant growth in and of it, and are applying mainstream market trends to that higher price bracket – which may not be great news for the consumer.
Some of the premium brands seeking to capitalize on this sales theory include True Religion, Seven For All Mankind and AG Adriano Goldschmied.
Handcrafted washes certainly seem to be the order of the day. Again. However, newer designs are incorporating innovative tweaks, such as one-of-a-kind shank buttons and rivets made from reclaimed tin signs – a feature that is really hot at True Religion right now. Other companies are also adding their own twists, with Seven For All Mankind also turning toward more vintage washes and away from the cleaner looks it’s best known for.
It may be less trend driven, but trends certainly seem to be the order of the day when it comes to this planned mini-revival. In the meantime, men can start looking forward to all of those out of season jeans that will be going for cheap in the not too distant future!
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Posted by Bindra at 06:52 AM
APPAREL , bargain news , FASHION , Fashion: Trends, Style, and Business , STYLE/BEAUTY , Trends |
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