
9 July 2014

Mirror Panic and Wardrobe Disgust: Stop Stressing Over Your Body and Clothes

How many of you have stood in front of your closet — after huffily trying on about a dozen different items — only to find a sea of seemingly inadequate clothes staring back at you? And how many times has this reduced you to tears, or at least paid a toll on your already sensitive self esteem?

Even after you find the most satisfactory outfit you can muster, you gaze into the mirror and feel like all that effort was for naught. You hate the outfit, you hate the way it makes you look and you hate the way it makes you feel. All you can think about is how others will perceive you in this array of self-perceived unflattering garments in which you’ve cloaked yourself.

You’re not alone.

“I think everyone has that terrible feeling of insecurity from time to time when you just know you have on the wrong outfit – as if it’s not just your clothes that are frumpy and outdated, but you, too,” says styling consultant Ashley Martini, author of the new book, “Styletini.”

Martini says that getting your outfit just right is often challenging. After all, you’re trying to strike the perfect balance between comfort and confidence, professional and unstuffy, current and too-trendy. It’s a difficult task, and one that can send you spiraling into a fit of anxiety and stress. We’re telling you to stop. Stop stressing!

It’s easier said than done, we know — and it will take some time to re-train your brain — but it’s possible. Here are five ways to stop the dreaded “mirror panic” and “wardrobe disgust” that plagues us all.

Give Yourself Time to Get Dressed

There’s nothing worse than rushing to get ready. Not only do you not have time to carefully plan out an outfit, but you’re probably running around like a crazy lady. Mussed up hair and a sweaty face is not a good look for anyone.

Give yourself ample time to choose an outfit and get dressed, especially for bigger events. You can, of course, do this the night before. Make sure you plan the look from head to toe, including accessories, shoes, your bag and even your makeup.

Understand That Not All Trends Work On Your Body

“The trendiest thing any individual can do is answer the question: Is it flattering?” says Martini. Truer words were never spoken.

You’re likely aware that women have six basic body types: triangle (narrow above the waist and wider on the bottom), inverted triangle (fuller shoulders and chest with slim hips and thighs), rectangle (also known as athletic with little definition in the waist and hips), diamond (high-sitting, full stomach with wide hips and full thighs), apple (similar to diamonds, but with a lower-sitting stomach), hourglass (equal upper and lower halves with well-defined waists).

Understand that a waistless sack dress may look fabulous on a rectangular frame, but not so much a curvy hourglass. And where skinny jeans may work for an inverted triangle figure, they probably aren’t the best option for a triangle-shaped woman with wider hips.

Ultimately, your goal is to understand your body shape and work to even out proportions. Any garment that doesn’t work to your advantage should be donated pronto.

Know Your Measurements, Carry a Tape Measure

Whether you’re shopping online or in-stores, knowing your measurements is key to finding clothes that fit you best.

Martini says you should measure the parts of your body that most define your shape, which include hips, shoulders, waist, bust and height.

  • For hips/butt, wrap the tape around the fullest part. Make sure you’re not pulling too tightly or too loosely; the number in the center front is your hip size.
  • For shoulders, relax your shoulders and stand up tall, then extend the tape from the outer edge of one shoulder to the other. You may want to enlist a friend.
  • For your waist, bend forward and note where your body creases, which is where your natural waist lies. Measure around that point.
  • For bust, wear a top without a bra and wrap the tape across your back, under your shoulder blades and arms, and then around the fullest part of your breasts.

Make note of these measurements (you can keep them in your phone for handy access) and use them when shopping.

Familiarize Yourself With Fabrics

Knowledge is power, and the more you know about the garments you buy, the better. For example, cotton is apt to shrink, which means cotton clothes won’t always fit you the way they do in the dressing room.

Be aware of fabrics that cling — such as polyester and rayon — which can be unforgiving without the assistance of shapewear. On the opposite side of the spectrum, fabrics such as tweed or wool are starchy and stiff, which conceal lumps, but can add bulk.

Always read the labels and be aware of what certain fabrics look like on your body.

Work on Self Love

We know, we know. Loving yourself — flaws and all — is way easier said than done. Still, exuded confidence is one of the most attractive traits a woman can have. And no, we’re not just talking about being attractive to potential partners, but being attractive in general. If you’re confident, you’re more approachable and more hirable, too.

We recommend checking out self-love blogs, reading books and talking it out with girlfriends or a professional. If you’re uncomfortable in your skin, be proactive. Few things are as motivating and life-changing as taking control over yourself and treating your body the way it deserves to be treated.

By Wendy Rose Gould

Posted by Wendy Rose Gould at 02:00 PM
Opinions , Trends , Your Style |

12 February 2013

You are An Actor on Life's Stage: Don't Just Buy Clothes, Invest in Your Brand

How many times have you gone to your favorite retailer to try on clothes? And how many times have you wondered to yourself, “Is this a wise purchase?” Now, how many times did you go ahead with the purchase, despite your better judgement, only to have said garment(s) linger in the murky depths of your wardrobe, tags still attached?

Any woman who enjoys shopping has likely been in that predicament, myself included. And the same old tune plays over and over again. You keep telling yourself you’ll put it on; that you’ll finally wear it out of the house. But every time you throw it over your head or zip it up, it just doesn’t “feel right” and back to the closet it goes.

The biggest culprit of the “dress destined to gather dust in your closet”? The discount rack.

Getting a killer deal feels great, but understand this: Even if you’re saving 75% on that Michael Kors pant or DVF frock, you’re actually wasting money if you never wear it.

So how does a bargain loving fashionista amend her ingrained shopping habits? By understanding — and investing in — her personal brand.

Think of your closet as actors’ garb. Who are you? What is the message you want to convey to the world? Once you can answer those questions (which does require thoughtful, inward contemplation), you’re better equipped to plan your wardrobe.

The clothing and accessories that a business woman in her late 40s wears should reflect the fact that she's an established, successful woman who's self assured.

Take, for example, “Sarah,” a figurative business woman in her late 40s who works in a corporate setting and recently back in the dating market. The clothing and accessories that “Sarah” wears should reflect the fact that she’s an established, successful woman who’s self assured. Because she’s single and hoping to meet a winsome partner at the cafe, happy hour or otherwise, “Sarah” would benefit from wearing clothing that’s (tactfully) inviting.

A single, early 30s woman would do well with a wardrobe full of fresh patterns and prints.

“Maggie” serves as another illustration. She’s a single, early 30s woman who makes roughly 75k a year and lives in a Manhattan studio apartment. She works in a fast-paced, new media setting and devours fashion blogs (alongside garden fresh salads) on her lunch break. In order to convey her spritely spirit and passion for fashion, “Maggie” would do well with a wardrobe full of fresh patterns and prints, the season’s hottest colors and enough statement accessories to sate her style needs.

See how both women can still be on trend and in the style know, but each have their own distinct personal brand?

Planning a wardrobe does take time, but the effort pays off both financially and in terms of your personal brand. Start by accumulating a set of wardrobe must-haves (basics you know you’ll wear often), along with accessories that speak to your personal aesthetic. Then, whenever you shop, ask yourself the following questions: Does this convey who I am? When and where will I wear this outfit? Do I have the appropriate accessories/pieces at home to create an outfit with this garment?

If you can answer all those questions easily, buy it. Buy it because it speaks to your personal brand and not because it’s on sale or because you feel like spending money.

By following the above steps, you’ll create an enviable wardrobe that ensures you’ll have something to wear for all occasions. The best part? You’ll save money along the way, even if you do make a few big splurges.

Tip: go through your closet to get rid of anything you haven’t worn — or will not wear — in 18 months. Donate these items, sell them or return them to the store if possible. Designate that money to your “new purchases” fund.

You are An Actor on Life's Stage: Don't Just Buy Clothes, Invest in Your Brand

By Wendy Rose Gould

Posted by Wendy Rose Gould at 07:30 AM
bargain news , Opinions , Saving Tips , SHOPPING , Your Style |

"Improve your Style and Wardrobe" a successful New Year resolution -part four

28 January 2012

Nothing’s more overwhelming than peering into a disorganized wardrobe where no garment has a home of its own. In fact, a chaotic closet makes planning your ensembles a nightmare and, as a result, may hinder your 2012 goal to “Improve Your Style and Wardrobe.”

If your closet looks like a fashion explosion, it’s time to do some major organizing. Not only will organizing your closet make it prettier to look at, but it’s a prime opportunity to evaluate what clothing you can donate. Bonus: You may even find a few gems you haven’t seen in ages.

Four Steps to an Organized Closet

1. Take Your Time

Organizing any part of your home requires time and patience. Dedicate a good three to five hours to the mission and ask that others let you have your space while you’re working. The key is to make organizing your closet an enjoyable experience. Hum along to your favorite music, pour a glass of your preferred adult beverage and take as much time as you need.

2. Sort Garments

Begin your organizational mission by sorting everything by garment type. Create tidy piles for t-shirts, sweaters and cardigans, jeans, heels, flats, gowns, etc. Once you have everything divided according to type, begin organizing the individual piles. You can do this multiple ways. For example, some prefer organizing by color, others by fabric.

P.S. As you sort, create a donation pile. If you haven’t worn the piece in over a year — and if it holds no sentimental value — it’s time to set it free.

3. Clean and Prepare

Think of your now barren closet as a white canvas. Examine your space and determine if you need more organizational bins, racks, baskets, shelves or hanging racks. The more compartmentalized your closet is, the easier it’ll be for you to stay organized. Some prefer an open-air organizational system that allows them to see everything on display. Others prefer keeping their garments in drawers or behind doors. Either is fine, so think about what works best for you and buy additional organizational pieces as necessary. Also, don’t forget to buy plenty of narrow, but quality hangers. They’ll give your hanging garments room to breath. Avoid wire hangers, as they leave indents on clothing and are prone to rusting.

4. Put Garments Back

Now that you’ve got a clean closet and enough space for all your garments, it’s time to put everything in its proper place. Start by choosing which piles work best on a hanger, on a shelf or in a box. For example, undergarments and socks work best in baskets or boxes. Jeans are displayed nicely on a shelf and gowns should always be hung to preserve their integrity.

By Wendy Rose Gould

Posted by Mirela Gluck at 01:21 AM
bargain news , Saving Tips , SHOPPING , The City |

18 January 2012

TheVogueCity takes New Year’s resolutions very seriously. That’s why we’ve put together a series of stories to help make your fashion-related goals a success for 2012. Today we’ll focus on how how tuning into your body, lifestyle and budget positively affects your fashion sense.

Improve your Style and Wardrobe - Know your Body

Know Your Body

One thing is for certain: The more confident and fabulous you feel in your own skin — and outfit — the more often you’ll earn compliments throughout the day. So, instead of focusing too much on what’s trending at the moment or what you should wear based on your body type, evaluate how you feel in an outfit when gazing into the mirror. If you feel beautiful, comfortable and fashion-forward, by all means, buy the garment and walk out the door a proud shopper. Finding clothes that make you feel that good are a great investment, too, as you’ll likely wear them often. It goes without saying, as well, that what you feel best in is probably flattering to your body.

Improve your Style and Wardrobe - Know your Lifestyle

Know Your Lifestyle

Though many women are tied together by their love of fashion, most lead dramatically different lives. Before dropping loads of cash on a new wardrobe, it’s important to understand your lifestyle. For example, those who visit low key restaurants and funky art galleries should dress according to the casual attire of those events. If you’re an elegant woman who frequents the opera and symphony, a collection of fine gowns and apparel will be worth your money. Socialites and party go-ers may want to stock their wardrobe with cocktail dresses and flattering blouses.

After assessing factors like your job and hobbies, fill your wardrobe with the necessities. You’ll want proper work wear, party wear, formal event wear, seasonal basics (e.g. hats, gloves, coat, parka, bathing suit) and the essentials (10-15 items you’ll wear often, like a white shirt for layering, a cashmere cardigan, a well-fitted jean, jacket, heels and flats).As for determining what appeals to you, fashion-wise, look to your favorite celebrities for inspiration.
Improve your Style and Wardrobe - Budget


Before you even enter a store (be it virtual or brick and mortar), make sure you have a budget. Set either a monthly, weekly or annual spending limit and then shop accordingly. Understand that bargain shopping will give you more bang for your buck, but don’t be afraid to splurge if your budget allows. The ultimate goal is to choose quality items that’ll last through the years. If you can find a flattering garment that’s well made and 80% off, by all means, snag it. If you fall in love with a piece that’s more than you’d typically pay, think about whether it’ll earn heavy rotation and make your decision from there.

By Mirela Gluck

Posted by Mirela Gluck at 03:01 AM
bargain news , Saving Tips , SHOPPING , The City , Your Style |

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