Boy Smells Sample Sale
, New York, NY

WHAT: Boy Smells Sample Sale
WHY: Shop the first ever Boy Smells Sample Sale.
Tons of scented candles in 8.5oz, 3oz votive and even 27oz Magnum candles from past (and present) limited edition collections. A few from the classic Black + Pink collection will be available as well. Fragrance, room sprays and Unmentionables apparel will be on offer too. Expect around 50% to 80% off regular prices. Huzzah!
We will accept tap (Apple Pay and the like), but bring your physical credit cards, just in case our tap devices go down. No checks or cash will be accepted at our registers.
All sales final. No returns or exchanges.
WHEN: 12/19 - 12/24; Tue-Sat (11-7), Sun (11-5)
WHERE: 260 Sample Sale
148 Lafayette Street
New York, NY 10013
For the complete list of today's sales and sample sales check HERE.

260 Sample Sale, a family-owned business that houses sample sales for top brands like Alexander Wang, The Line, Marc Jacobs, Alice + Olivia, Soulcycle, Paul Smith, Bandier, J. Crew, and many more.
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Read More: Beauty, Boy Smells, Home, Sample Sales
Posted by Bindra at 03:40 AM
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