The 6 Ingredients to Keep In Your Kitchen for Prettier Hair
, New York, NY
You don’t have to be a DIY queen to get the most out of your pantry. If going to the effort to combine mashed mangoes with Raw honey, or eggs with olive oil, isn’t your idea of a pleasant afternoon, that’s OK. Still, there are items in your pantry and refrigerator that can actually do a ton of good for your hair. Not by creating a concoction applied externally, but via plain ol’ consumption.
Today we’re showcasing 6 ingredients that comprise your hair’s dream diet. Eat these items often and bask in the glory of a healthy mop.
This fatty fish is a wonder food of ultimate magnitude. It’s ultra rich in both vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, which not only makes hair appear more lush and radiant, but can expedite growth. If you’re not a fan of fish, opt for an omega-3 or salmon supplement instead.
Biotin Supplements
Speaking of supplements, let’s move right along to Biotin. Many women’s multi-vitamins already contain a day’s supply of Biotin, but if yours doesn’t, we highly recommend adding a Biotin pill to your daily morning pill swallowing ritual. Biotin bolsters keratin infrastructure and, consequently, improves nail, hair and skin health.
Hair loss becomes more common as we age, but it’s not explicitly an issue faced by the mature crowd. The major contributing factors are stress (experienced by all ages), iron deficiencies and hormonal changes (menopause being most notable here). While we recommend speaking to your physician about serious cases, there are foods you can consume that fight against hair loss, including spinach.
These fatty nuts are another good option for those battling hair loss, but it does more than that. Walnuts stimulate hair growth, a plus for those trying to reach max length, and they also contribute to elastin production, which makes hair more lustrous and healthy-looking.
Dark Chocolate
Probably our favorite food on this list (naturally), dark chocolate is definitely a good one for those lusting after perfect hair. Dark chocolate promotes excellent blood circulation, which not only makes you feel and look amazing, but promotes hair growth.
You know how Bubba Gump says you can do a million things with shrimp? Well, the same is true for eggs. These babies are loaded with vitamin D and cholesterol (the good kind), which provides max shine for your tresses. Deviled eggs, scrambled eggs, eggs benedict, egg pizza, eggy souffle, soft boiled eggs…
By Wendy Rose Gould
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Read More: Beauty, Biotin, Dark Chocolate, Hair, Salmon, STYLE, Supplements, Vitamind D, Wendy Rose Gould
Posted by Wendy Rose Gould at 08:00 AM
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