
27 January 2011

One of our many pet theories is this: despite living in the busiest, most exciting city on earth, New Yorkers are constantly trying to figure out how to spendAnti-Social Networks time at home. Alone. Witness the casual interaction between two friends, both of whom want to bail on drinks that night to stay in and catch up on old episodes of Parenthood.

“It’s so rainy, I don’t even know if the subways are running, but I can come out.”
“Oh no, I wouldn’t want you to go to the trouble. We can just do it next week.”

This urge for solitude violates all New York’s societal expectations. We’ve all watched Sex and the City (and hell, even Seinfeld): New York is supposed to be about socializing! Hanging out with friends! Going on dates! It’s enough to make you deny those nights when you do give in to your desire to spend a Friday on the couch with your dates of Mssrs. Ben and Jerry.

To make matters worse, this loner-guilt is exacerbated by a very practical difficulty: how can you deny your Friday plans in the world of constant social network monitoring. Going off the grid used to be as simple as letting your phone go to voicemail. Now, the dedicated loner must remember to keep off Foursquare and resist the urge to tweet, tumblr, or Facebook their feelings on the reruns on their television. It’s all so exhausting that you might as well just go out.

Posted by Staff Writer at 03:28 PM
bargain news , Points of View |

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