Osklen + Matsuda Sample Sale
, New York, NY

WHAT: Osklen + Matsuda Sample Sale
WHY: Swimwear and eyewear at a discount at the Osklen + Matsuda Sample Sale.
Osklen will be offering swimwear for up to 90% off retail. Partnered with eyewear from Matsuda.
WHEN: 4/10 - 4/15; Tue (10-7), W-Sat (11-7), Sun (11-5)
WHERE: 260 Sample Sale
151 Wooster Street
New York, NY 10012
For the complete list of today's sales and sample sales check HERE.

Osklen is a Brazilian fashion brand based on harmonization of contrasts, in which urban and nature, organic and technological live together.
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Read More: Eyewear, Matsuda, Osklen, Sample Sales, Swimwear
Posted by Bindra at 02:57 AM
Calendar Pick , Eyewear , NYC Sample Sales & Retail Sales , Sample Sales NYC , Swimwear , Today's Sales |
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