Judy Ross Textiles Sample Sale
, New York, NY

WHAT: Judy Ross Textiles Sample Sale
WHY: The Judy Ross Textiles Semi-annual Sample Sale is here!
To celebrate over 30 years of Judy Ross Textiles, they will have their one-of-a-kind, hand-embroidered scarves, and shawls available at highly discounted prices. And, of course, ton of pillows and some very exclusive silk rugs!⠀
Items on sale include TOTEM cotton flat weave rugs (pictured) which will be available for a steal.
WHEN: 1/29 - 1/31; W (11-7), Th (11-6), F (noon-4)
WHERE: 22 East 17th Street
between Broadway and Fifth Avenue
Suite 931
New York, NY 10003
For the complete list of today's sales and sample sales check HERE.

Judy Ross Textiles specializes in hand-embroidered pillows and fabrics, and hand-knotted Tibetan rugs. The Judy Ross home collection pairs century-old hand embroidery techniques with modern design.
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Read More: Home, Home Accessorises, Judy Ross Textiles, Rugs, Sample Sales, Separates
Posted by Bindra at 01:43 AM
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