Kate Middleton Fashion Show
How a good girl used bad girl secrets to hook her prince!
, New York, NY
If Kate Middleton hadn’t already used bad girl secrets to hook Prince William, I would swear that she’d read my new book – Bad Girls: Why Men Love Them & How Good Girls Can Learn Their Secrets! Kate is the quintessential illustration of how these secrets work their magic, trapping a man before he realizes he’s been put under her spell. And undoubtedly, the best example is her parading in the now infamous peek-a-boo skirt that she wore as a dress over a bikini, in their college fashion show. Before this, Prince William had barely looked at her, but now that her outfit was ‘barely’ there, he couldn’t take his eyes away. In one breathless moment, she jumped from the “platonic friend” file of his psyche to the “hot potential lover” file.
In Bad Girls, I define the Dozen Dangerous Damsels – all women who have been made to feel unlovable – from the dysfunctional relationship they had with their dad, to the bad boys who broke their heart. To avoid more pain, they have taken their heart off their sleeve and hardened it, deciding to go after something else from a man, if they can’t get love. Bad Girls analyzes these 12 types of women and why men fall head over heels for them. It includes profiles of the fabulous women from “Sex and The City”: Carrie as a Commitment-Phobe, Charlotte as a Husband Hunter and Trapper, Samantha as a Sex Siren, and Miranda as a Ball-Buster.
I interviewed over 100 men who shared intimate details of their bad girl stories, and from these I distilled the “Six Secret Spells of Seduction”. Kate’s fashion choice fit under the “Dress” category of spells, and she went on to use more secrets, ultimately landing in the “Princess-to-be” file of Prince William’s psyche.
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Posted by Carole Lieberman, M.D. at 02:07 AM
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March 11, 2011 @ 9:20 am
What a load of rubbish Dr Lieberman. Kate and William have been together for at least 8 years and that is plenty of time to get to each other rather than spells, games and seductions. You must be thinking of Wallis Simpson as a “bad girl”.
March 24, 2011 @ 4:28 pm
What on earth is a “media psychiatrist” and when will everyone stop talking about Sex & The City FOREVER? Those bougie, self-obsessed, feather-heads have RUINED modern women!