Ulla Johnson

7 August 2023

WHAT: Ulla Johnson Sample Sale

WHY: Shop your favorite dresses, tops, jackets, sweaters, accessories, and more at the Ulla Johnson Sample Sale.

All sales are final. No returns or exchanges.

WHEN: 8/15 - 8/20; Tue (1-8), W-Sat (11-8), Sun (11-5)

WHERE: 260 Sample Sale
261 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10016

For the complete list of today's sales and sample sales check HERE.

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About Ulla Johnson

The Ulla Johnson label has become synonymous with custom prints, intricate embroideries, and fine tailoring, all of which have earned her a loyal and global customer base. With the introduction of a shoe collection in Fall 2013, the line now encompasses a full range of product categories sourced and produced worldwide with an emphasis on artisanal and handcrafted processes.


Alice + Olivia

New Markdowns - Up to 60% Off Select Styles.

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Up to 75% off sale at INTERMIX: When you take an extra 30% off markdowns.

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Posted by Bindra at 01:37 AM
Calendar Pick , Handbags & Accessories , NYC Sample Sales & Retail Sales , Sample Sales NYC , Today's Sales , Women's Clothing , Women's Footwear |

24 July 2023

WHAT: Ulla Johnson Online Sample Sale

WHY: Women's clothing at a discount at the Ulla Johnson Sample Sale. Shop dresses, tops, skirts, and more!

All sales are final. No returns or exchanges.

WHEN: 7/27 - 7/30

WHERE: Online - 260SampleSale.com

For the complete list of today's sales and sample sales check HERE.

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About Ulla Johnson

The Ulla Johnson label has become synonymous with custom prints, intricate embroideries, and fine tailoring, all of which have earned her a loyal and global customer base. With the introduction of a shoe collection in Fall 2013, the line now encompasses a full range of product categories sourced and produced worldwide with an emphasis on artisanal and handcrafted processes.


Alice + Olivia

New Markdowns - Up to 60% Off Select Styles.

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Up to 75% off sale at INTERMIX: When you take an extra 30% off markdowns.

Shop Now!

Posted by Bindra at 01:13 AM
Handbags & Accessories , Other Online Sales , Today's Sales , Women's Clothing , Women's Footwear |

16 January 2023

WHAT: Ulla Johnson Sample Sale

WHY: Shop your favorite dresses, tops, jackets, sweaters, accessories, and more at the Ulla Johnson Sample Sale.

All sales are final. No returns or exchanges.

WHEN: 1/25 - 1/29; W-Sat (10-8), Sun (10-5)

WHERE: 260 Sample Sale
151 Wooster Street
New York, NY 10012

For the complete list of today's sales and sample sales check HERE.

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About Ulla Johnson

The Ulla Johnson label has become synonymous with custom prints, intricate embroideries, and fine tailoring, all of which have earned her a loyal and global customer base. With the introduction of a shoe collection in Fall 2013, the line now encompasses a full range of product categories sourced and produced worldwide with an emphasis on artisanal and handcrafted processes.


Alice + Olivia

New Markdowns - Up to 60% Off Select Styles.

Shop Now!


Up to 75% off sale at INTERMIX: When you take an extra 30% off markdowns.

Shop Now!

Posted by Bindra at 03:13 AM
Calendar Pick , Handbags & Accessories , NYC Sample Sales & Retail Sales , Sample Sales NYC , Today's Sales , Women's Clothing , Women's Footwear |

9 January 2023

WHAT: Ulla Johnson Online Sample Sale

WHY: Women's clothing at a discount at the Ulla Johnson Sample Sale. Shop dresses, tops, skirts, and more!

All sales are final. No returns or exchanges.

WHEN: 1/11 - 1/15

WHERE: Online - 260SampleSale.com

For the complete list of today's sales and sample sales check HERE.

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About Ulla Johnson

The Ulla Johnson label has become synonymous with custom prints, intricate embroideries, and fine tailoring, all of which have earned her a loyal and global customer base. With the introduction of a shoe collection in Fall 2013, the line now encompasses a full range of product categories sourced and produced worldwide with an emphasis on artisanal and handcrafted processes.


Alice + Olivia

New Markdowns - Up to 60% Off Select Styles.

Shop Now!


Up to 75% off sale at INTERMIX: When you take an extra 30% off markdowns.

Shop Now!

Posted by Bindra at 02:53 AM
Handbags & Accessories , Other Online Sales , Today's Sales , Women's Clothing , Women's Footwear |

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