WHAT: Taste of Times Square 2016
WHY: Over 50 of Times Square’s best restaurants offer their finest tastes from around the globe at Taste of Times Square – the annual outdoor food and music festival.
Festival admission is free. Each “taste” ticket is $1 with dishes ranging from 2-6 tickets. Tickets will be available for purchase on the day of the event and in advance online at
Taste of Times Square 2016
Over 50 of our best restaurants offer their finest tastes from around the globe at Taste of Times Square – our annual outdoor food and music festival. Join us on Monday, June 6 from 5:00 – 9:00 pm on 46th Street between Broadway and 10th Avenue (including historic Restaurant Row).
WHEN: 6/6; M (5-9)
WHERE: Times Square
46th Street
between Broadway and 10th Avenue
(including historic Restaurant Row)
New York, NY
Posted by Bindra at 01:36 AM
Events & Promotions , Home , Today's Sales |

As one of the largest snowstorms to ever hit NYC comes bellowing in with a mighty fury, there’s one thing we can’t help but notice: New Yorkers are having fun with it. Sure, there’s a little bit of panic in the air, as the long, long lines at Whole Foods (pictured) may allude to. But there’s also a spirited sense of excitement and, perhaps, even rekindled youthdom. See for yourself via these tweeted images.
@AnthonyQuintano snapped a panoramic shot of the mall in Central Park amidst the NYC whiteout
@artofdessert: “My sister-in-law in the #NYCblizzard with her umbrella.”
@RapidAndi: “Times Square in the snow with @nicole_rae eating a Cake Pop.”
@SalAbbinanti‘s shot of this nearly nude cowboy in the middle of Time Square makes us cold, but kind of warms our hearts.
@zahraS: “Even during a snow blizzard New York manages to find a way to cheer up!”
@JessicaPilot212 says, “Live from Central Park” and asks tweeters to caption this lovely photo.
@wisnefski‘s got this eerie photo of an empty 6th avenue — “a strange sight at 5 p.m. on a Monday,” he writes.
@FinnHarries: “Bring on the New York snow storm.” One pro for this crazy blizzard: You have a really good reason to break out that fuzzy winter apparel.
@EverythingNYC says, “Huge flakes in Times Square!” It’s hard to make out the clothing, but true to New York form we’re seeing lots of black.
@cubieking snapped this image of a man with an umbrella and a cane.
@RowNYC‘s image makes us wonder just how much the snow makes us feel like children again.
@BusMinCommunity shared this photograph with a little bit of advice via GrubHub: “Tip your ‘Food Heroes’ well during #Blizzardof2015.”
@christinaaa28 tweets this picture live from NYU: “Snow selfies on campus.”
@CarianneHix demonstrates that despite a gnarly blizzard, you can still look fabulous. We’re not sure if that’s a polka-dotted or snowflake-dotted umbrella, but we dig it.
@AmandaWills writes, “Lines wrapped around the block at Whole Foods.” The preppers are patting themselves on the back right now.
By Wendy Rose Gould
Image credit: via Twitter
Posted by Wendy Rose Gould at 11:44 PM
Opinions , Places , The City |

WHAT: Leather and Lace With Nails Inc. at Sephora
WHY: Get your hands on fashion icon Alexa Chung’s new fabric-inspired collection for Nails Inc. Plus, enjoy a complimentary polish change with your purchase of any Nails Inc. product.
*Limited Quantities. While supplies last.
WHEN: 9/11; Tue (noon-7)
200 West 42nd Street
New York, NY 10036
(212) 764-2525
Posted by Bindra at 01:32 AM
Beauty , Events & Promotions , Today's Sales |