We all get excited about our favorite TV show premieres, but when that much-anticipated premiere coincides with a clothing collection inspired by said show? Let’s just say that’s the stuff of every TV-loving fashionista’s dream.
Of course we’re talking about ABC’s Scandal and the ultra luxe Olivia Pope-inspired collection launched by The Limited. The retailer joined forces with both Kerry Washington — who plays a feisty “crisis manager” for political D.C. bigwigs, including the president with whom she’s had an on-again, off-again steamy affair — and Scandal’s costume designer Lyn Paolo.
Together, they all came up with an accessible, 78-piece collection for the everyday woman. Prices range from $50 to $250 for items such as Pope-approved outerwear, stunning print blouses and skirts of all silhouettes.
“There is no reason why only the people who make a certain amount of money should have access to this feminine power in fashion, you know? This line is created so that everybody can find their own inner gladiator. That every woman can be powerful and sexy, brilliant and smart and gorgeous, fashion-forward. You know, it’s just there’s no limit to who you can be,” said Washington.
It should be noted that The Limited’s Scandal collection has broken new ground where Hollywood-inspired fashion is concerned, as it’s the first time a design collaboration has taken place between a national retailer, a top rated network TV show, the show’s costume designer and the woman playing the lead role of the series. This is also a first for Washington and Paolo.
The Limited Collection Inspired by Scandal launched on September 23 at The Limited stores nationwide and TheLimited.com.
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By Wendy Rose Gould
Posted by Wendy Rose Gould at 02:30 PM
Celebrities , Fashion: Trends, Style, and Business , Opinions , Trends , Trends |

WHAT: The Limited Sample Sale
WHY: Everything is $8 a piece at The Limited Sample Sale.
Checks and cash only. No credit cards.
Must show picture ID to enter.
WHEN: 5/13 – 5/14; Tue-W (8-6)
WHERE: 400 Lafayette Street
3rd floor
at E. 4th Street
New York, NY
SUBMITTED BY: TheStylishCity.com
For the complete list of today’s sales and sample sales check HERE
Posted by Bindra at 03:24 AM
Calendar Pick , Handbags & Accessories , NYC Sample Sales & Retail Sales , Sample Sales NYC , Today's Sales , Women's Clothing , Women's Footwear |

WHAT: The Limited Sample Sale
WHY: Apparel items are $5/piece; Jackets, blazers, shoes and handbags are $10/piece at The Limited Sample Sale.
Sizes available will mainly be S, M, 0, 2, and 8. Plus sizes ranging from 12-26 from their Eloquii line will also be available.
Checks and cash only. No credit cards.
Must show picture ID to enter. No children under 12 allowed. No bathrooms available.
WHEN: 9/25; W (8-7), or until sellout
WHERE: 400 Lafayette Street
3rd floor
at E. 4th Street
New York, NY
SUBMITTED BY: TheStylishCity.com
For the complete list of today’s sales and sample sales check HERE
Posted by Bindra at 02:22 AM
Calendar Pick , Handbags & Accessories , NYC Sample Sales & Retail Sales , Sample Sales NYC , Today's Sales , Women's Clothing , Women's Footwear |

The most under appreciated job in the world doesn’t deserve a day it deserves an entire month. But until that bill is passed, we’ll have to settle for one day to shower our loving mother’s with love and appreciation for, well, putting up with us all of these years. They are among the only human’s on earth that love us unconditionally, no matter what, so make sure you never forget that. So, where are you taking your dashing diva of a mother for brunch on Sunday? If you’ve yet to settle on a plan, why not wow her with a Mother’s Day Brunch at 2West Restaurant in Ritz-Carlton Battery Park where $85 a person will not only land you glitz and glam, it will also serve you lavish desserts and top notch cuisine. After you’re done pampering the leading lady in your life, prepare to indulge yourself in the finer things in life as you shop sales from Christian Louboutin, GANT, The Limited, The News, and Theory.
Christian Louboutin Invite-Only Sample Sale
If you’re among the fabulous lucky shoppers out there, then you have already scored your invitation to the Christian Louboutin Sample Sale. For the rest of us, put on your thinking caps in order to determine your way “in” to the Christian Louboutin bi-annual Sample Sale where heels are marked for as low as $200. C’mon, it’s New York, everyone knows everyone – who can get you in? If you have come out with no ideas, then give waiting in line a whirl – rumor is security decreases over time during the sale.
Theory Throwdown
This week not only brings us one Theory Sample Sale, but two. That’s right, a double dose of sleek and sexy blazers and cute prep ware. Tuesday kicks off the throw down with Theory & Theyskens’ Theory Sample Sale at the Chelsea Market. Past years’ sales graced us with $69 shorts, $89 skirts and leather for only $249. If that’s not enough for you, swing on over to Clothingline’s Theory Sample Sale come Wednesday for discounted stock merchandise. During the tail end November’s Theory Sample Sale, an additional 30% was taken off price tags.
GANT Sample Sale
If you want to drip with style, then head to the GANT Sample Sale to stock up on clothing and accessories for 80% off retail prices. Expect to find $50 sweaters and cotton blazers for $195. Past sales have featured Gant, Gant Rugger and Gant by Michael Bastian.
The News Sample Sale
The funky News Sample Sale is back beginning Thursday at 495 Broadway. This sale always features steals and deals for the downtown fashionista. Check out the 5th floor for rock bottom prices on Anniel shoes (a perfect summer bootie), a slew of Cheap Monday jeans (did I mention cheap?), Clu and Highland.
The Limited Sample Sale
The Limited may just be your average, run of the mill suburban mall staple, but let’s not forget that during their Sample Sale on Thursday, items are priced at $5 a piece. That’s just twenty quarters for your next favorite blouse and stylish bottoms. There’s literally no going wrong here, even if you only where your purchase once. This sale is cash only, but that shouldn’t be a problem. Do you think they accept quarters?
By Caitlin Colford
Posted by Caitlin Colford at 12:30 PM
Opinions , SALES , Sample Sale Previews |