
23 November 2019

WHAT: Kokun Women's Fall Sample Sale

WHY: Women's luxury cashmere, bamboo cashmere, and cotton up to 75% off retail price at the Kokun Women's Fall Sample Sale.

Stock up on all your Fall needs including cashmere, coats, print and overdye styles. We have a lot of stock, tell your friends & family!

$10 - $20 Bins
$20 - $150 Bins

Cash and major credit cards accepted. All sales are final.

WHEN: 12/2 - 12/6; M-F (10-5:15)

WHERE: 237 West 37th Street
3rd Floor
Suite 301
New York, NY 10018

For the complete list of today's sales and sample sales check HERE.

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About Kokun Cashmere

Kokun, a cashmere sweater company founded in 2006 and based in NYC, repurposed the world’s most precious fiber into a brand that is refreshingly new, innovative, and thoroughly modern. Specializing in high-quality yarns and up-to-date silhouettes, Kokun is the perfect marriage of uptown fabric and downtown aesthetic. The brand embodies comfort and simplicity with attention to detail. Kokun sweaters are, after all, designed for years – not just seasons.



Women's and men's sweaters at a discount

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Women's cashmere at a discount

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Posted by Bindra at 03:24 AM
Calendar Pick , NYC Sample Sales & Retail Sales , Sample Sales NYC , Today's Sales , Women's Clothing |

6 May 2019

WHAT: Kokun Spring Sample & Stock Sale

WHY: Women's luxury cashmere, bamboo cashmere, and cotton up to 75% off retail price at the Kokun Spring Sample & Stock Sale.

Women's samples priced $10-$90.

Cash and all major credit cards accepted. All sales are final.

WHEN: 5/6 - 5/10; M-F (10-5:30)

WHERE: 237 West 37th Street
3rd Floor
Suite 301
New York, NY 10018

For the complete list of today's sales and sample sales check HERE.

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About Kokun Cashmere

Kokun, a cashmere sweater company founded in 2006 and based in NYC, repurposed the world’s most precious fiber into a brand that is refreshingly new, innovative, and thoroughly modern. Specializing in high-quality yarns and up-to-date silhouettes, Kokun is the perfect marriage of uptown fabric and downtown aesthetic. The brand embodies comfort and simplicity with attention to detail. Kokun sweaters are, after all, designed for years – not just seasons.



Women's and men's sweaters at a discount

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Women's cashmere at a discount

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Posted by Bindra at 04:57 AM
Calendar Pick , NYC Sample Sales & Retail Sales , Sample Sales NYC , Today's Sales , Women's Clothing |

18 September 2018

WHAT: Kokun Cashmere Fall Sample Sale

WHY: Women's luxury cashmere, bamboo cashmere, and cotton up to 75% off retail price at the Kokun Cashmere Fall Sample Sale.

Women's samples priced $10-$140.

Cash and all major credit cards accepted. All sales are final.

WHEN: 9/27 - 10/3; Th-F, M-W (10-5:15), Weekdays only.

WHERE: 237 West 37th Street
3rd Floor
Suite 301
New York, NY 10018

For the complete list of today's sales and sample sales check HERE.

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About Kokun Cashmere

Kokun, a cashmere sweater company founded in 2006 and based in NYC, repurposed the world’s most precious fiber into a brand that is refreshingly new, innovative, and thoroughly modern. Specializing in high-quality yarns and up-to-date silhouettes, Kokun is the perfect marriage of uptown fabric and downtown aesthetic. The brand embodies comfort and simplicity with attention to detail. Kokun sweaters are, after all, designed for years – not just seasons.



Women's and men's sweaters at a discount

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Women's cashmere at a discount

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Posted by Bindra at 04:28 AM
Calendar Pick , NYC Sample Sales & Retail Sales , Sample Sales NYC , Today's Sales , Women's Clothing |

13 April 2018

WHAT: Kokun Cashmere Spring Sample Sale

WHY: Women's luxury cashmere, bamboo cashmere, and cotton up to 75% off retail price at the Kokun Cashmere Spring Sample Sale. Women's samples priced $10-$140.

Stock up on all your Spring needs including lightweight sweaters, prints, and overdye styles.

Cash and all major credit cards accepted. All sales are final.

WHEN: 4/25 - 4/27; W-F (10:30-5:30), Weekdays only.
4/30 - 5/1; M-Tue (10:30-5:30)

WHERE: 237 West 37th Street
3rd Floor
Suite 301
New York, NY 10018

For the complete list of today's sales and sample sales check HERE.

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About Kokun Cashmere

Kokun, a cashmere sweater company founded in 2006 and based in NYC, repurposed the world’s most precious fiber into a brand that is refreshingly new, innovative, and thoroughly modern. Specializing in high-quality yarns and up-to-date silhouettes, Kokun is the perfect marriage of uptown fabric and downtown aesthetic. The brand embodies comfort and simplicity with attention to detail. Kokun sweaters are, after all, designed for years – not just seasons.



Women's and men's sweaters at a discount

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Women's cashmere at a discount

Shop Now!

Posted by Bindra at 01:42 AM
Calendar Pick , NYC Sample Sales & Retail Sales , Sample Sales NYC , Today's Sales , Women's Clothing |

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