If you're like me, your smartphone is essentially glued to your hand. I mean, really -- this is the future! Imagine telling someone even 15 or 20 years ago that you'd have a Mary Poppin's-style amount of knowledge stored in a single coat pocket or... More »

Makeup manufacturers and beauty gurus have declared BB creams so last year. But what new product could possible take their place? The CC cream, of course. Read More... More »

We all have our favorite, die-hard staple products. Goods that — heaven forbid we run out of — we rely on day in and day out to make us feel, smell and look nothing short of wonderful. Today we’re dishing on our must have bathroom... More »

These days, most people have a love hate relationship with smart phones. They’re an undeniable distraction and the constant connection to everyone else via social media and the phone can leave us feeling like we never truly have that... More »

When I taught English in Korea in 2008/2009, one of my favorite parts about the culture was, naturally, the beauty world. I discovered all sorts of weird and never-before-used products, such as essence masks and yes, the now popular BB cream. I... More »

Though fall is easily my favorite season of the year, spring brings about plenty of perks as well. Among them, fresh and flirty color palettes touted by both the fashion and beauty world. Today I’m dishing about Lancôme’s two new lip... More »

Players in the fashion and beauty world love collaborating to bring you the freshest accessories and chicest clothing. Check out these noteworthy collaborations that have the style world abuzz. Polyvore and Cover Girl: Polyvore Live Two big names in... More »

Budding fashion designers can now bring their style creations to life — with the possibility of selling said creations — thanks to a new phone application by UnitedStyles. The innovative Facebook Connect-enabled app lets the owner play... More »

The marriage of shopping and technology was a long time coming; they didn’t keep their relationship under wraps, although they tried. Marriage has been a bumpy ride for these two, as they attempted to keep their physical retail counterparts happy... More »

For the beauty junkie, any development in skin care is cause for celebration, so imagine the thrill that ensues when a truly revolutionary new product bursts upon the scene. Fellow beauty buffs, trust me: ioma is just such a line. Available... More »
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