New York City

The Roots

If your natural hair color is just a few shades darker than your dye job, then showing roots can look great.

24 May 2010

If you’re feeling confused by Dree Hemingway exposed roots at amfAR’s Cinema Against AIDS gala in Cannes, join the club. While all about going el natural (hey, over here at Daily Vogue, we’re actually pretty green) the dark foundation baffled us momentarily until the LCD light bulb went off and we realized, it’s a trend. Visible roots have been sprouting up from red carpet-worthy events to trips to the grocery store. The best part? It won’t cost you a dime.

Celebs like Kristin Stewart, LiLo and more have been growing their dark locks out leaving light locks atop expose. Dark hair growing out smells a bit skunkish to us and especially strange with LiLo’s red strands underneath. The lighter versions, seen on celebrities like Drew Barrymore, Anna Lynne McCord and Jennifer Aniston are a bit easier to digest. Some hair gods, like Eva Scrivo, owner and master stylist at Eva Scrivo salon in New York City, maintain that a little bit of root on a blonde is actually prettier than uniform color as it provides more depth to the color. If your natural hair color is just a few shades darker than your dye job, then showing roots can look great.

drew barrymore roots  Anna Lynne McCord jennifer aniston

Emma Dinzebach

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Posted by Emma Dinzebach at 12:00 AM
bargain news , BEAUTY , Fashion: Trends, Style, and Business , Style , STYLE/BEAUTY |

1 Comment

  1. Alicia
    August 31, 2010 @ 9:38 pm

    Hey everyone!

    I’m currenly working on building awareness for L’Oréal Professionnel. Its a great new coloring product that offers supreme respect for your hair, maintaining the essential amino acids and lipid balance of natural hair.

    Check it out and let me know what you think!!


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