Morning Stimulation!
, New York, NY
I’m not a morning person, and I am suspicious of those who are. Whether you want help staying awake at 6 a.m., or you just want to revamp your bathroom, I’ve selected some of the best bright accessories for you to add to this small but heavily trafficked room.
1.Missoni Home Collection Floral Bath Rug at Neiman Marcus ($135.00). It’s so pretty I feel like it should be hanging on the wall! No worries in walking on it though, it’s completly machine washable.
2. Sundew Shower Curtain at Anthropologie ($88.00). Vibrant wildflowers climb up from the bottom of this gorgeous shower curtain. Since you have to have one with most showers, you might as well have one that you’ll enjoy seeing every day. That’s my motto, at least.
3. Entomologie Trinket Box, Green Wing at Anthropologie ($14.00). Whether you want to store bobby pins or emergency asprin in this little box, it will be the cutest accessory on your counter.
4. Lacoste Crocodi’l Bath Towels at Macy’s ($11.00-$50.00). Whether you love the label, or just (like me) love the idea of the cute and iconic crocodile emblem, these are wonderful.
Here’s to living in sublime style,
Jessica Rae
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Posted by Mirela Gluck at 06:00 AM
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