What You Need To Know In 60 Seconds: Tumi, Cushnie et Ochs & Oscar de la Renta for THE OUTNET
, New York, NY

Today is Tuesday, and I personally have this theory that Tuesdays and Wednesdays are the best days for scoring a great deal.
I will try to prove my theory, though I have experienced decreased satisfaction with sales in recent weeks. The decrease makes sense, considering how many flash sales sites have mushroomed in recent years, and how stores now hold their own flash sales. There is only that much inventory left for discounts, after all.
Let’s see what we have today:
Starting at 11AM:
TUMI Luggage, Outwear, & Travel Accessories on RueLaLa.com
My husband has an obsession with Tumi. He has a Tumi bag, money clip, belt and coat. I have a beautiful handbag, as well, but they don’t make the style anymore. I can vouch for Tumi’s quality and I personally like their style. If you like to travel in style, their luggage is worth every penny.
BedHead Pajamas on RueLaLa.com
OK, maybe this one comes as a surprise to you, but hear me out. We spend a third of our lives sleeping and, quite frankly, many of us don’t pay enough attention to how we look when we go to bed. Yes, we do when we start dating someone, but 10 years into the marriage… Hmm — I’m guilty as charged.
Starting at 12PM:
Noir: Cushnie et Ochs on Gilt.com
If you are not familiar with Cushnie et Ochs’ “empowered, bad-ass sex appeal” — as Fashionista.com called it while reviewing their 2013 fall collection — you should take a look at this sale.
Oscar de la Renta for THE OUTNET
If you haven’t checked out the exclusive collection, you must before it’s completely sold out.
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Read More: Accessories, Apparel, BedHead Pajamas, Cushnie et Ochs, Flash Sales, Footwear, Gilt, Jewelry, Online Sample Sales, Oscar De La Renta, Outerwear, Ruelala, Spring 2013, THE OUTNET, Tumi
Posted by Mirela Gluck at 07:00 AM
bargain news , Editor's Notes , Opinions , SALES , Sample Sale Previews |
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