Turn Back Time
Minimally invasive cosmetic options to turn back time.
, New York, NY
Every few minutes there is a new product marketed to smooth fine lines, halt the aging process and basically turn back time. There are creams with Vitamin C, creams with Vitamin B, creams with green tea, retinol, and copper. Anti-aging products vary in ingredients and ingredient strength, and skin’s damage from the sun and air pollution, elasticity and plain genetics effect how well a given product will work for you. So finding the right product takes years of patient trial and error.
For those less patient or with more noticeable aging there minimally invasive cosmetic options. First and foremost, visiting a dermatologist to gauge the severity of your “problem” areas will help you determine which options are best. Your dermatologist will likely first recommend microdermabrasion or a chemical peel for damaged skin that has yet to show more severe signs of aging (lines, age spots, marked discoloration).
- Chemical Peel – Removes damaging layers with Alphahydroxy acids (AHAs) or Trichloroacetic acid (TCA). AHAs are light peels intended for people with less damage who are looking to brighten their appearance. TCA peels are medium peels that vary in strength and take longer for the face to recover.
- [Micro]Dermabrasion – Helps refine the skin’s top layer with fine skin scraping. It helps remove acne scars, small lines around the mouth, minor skin injury and environmental damage.
- Collagen Injections – Replenish your skin’s natural collagen by restoring contour and support in your skin. There are several types of collagen; and your physician can asses which is best for you.
- Botox – Prescription medication injected into facial muscles in forehead, between the eyebrows and severe crow’s feet. Botox is best for deep lines created by muscle use over time not surface lines caused by sun damage, etc.
Age, genetics, skin condition, sun damage, medical history and desired outcome dictate which level of minimally invasive facial treatment is best for you. In all cases, you must consult a physician for a plan of action. For a list of New York City dermatologists recommend by the skin cancer foundation, click here. Most city doctors perform the aforementioned techniques themselves or can recommend reputable doctors.
If you shop around, you can probably find Botox or collagen injections for less. But a botched job is worse than the extra cost you pay for experience and expertise. And it is your FACE aka first and most memorable thing people see, so choose wisely.
Emma Dinzebach
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Posted by Emma Dinzebach at 12:00 AM
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