The Obama's Are Set to Welcome a Portuguese Water Dog!
, New York, NY
For those of you who have been sitting on the edge of your seats for what seems like an eternity, waiting for the big decision by the Obama’s of Portuguese Water Dog or the always popular Labradoodle. Well my fellow dog lovers, you can finally sit back and relax as the Obama’s have announced they are set to welcome a rescued Portuguese Water Dog into their royal first family in mid April!
The perfect addition for the Obama family, Portuguese Water Dogs are well known throughout the dog world as one of the best hypoallergenic canines in addition to being a happy go lucky family dog! A breed known for being a hard worker, this dog still knows how to let loose and run wild.
I am now officially looking forward to the next big piece that will be solved in this presidential pooch puzzle…the always important name selection. Personally I think they are going to choose something fun and of course all American. I would expect once that four legged friend enters the White House, we will be flooded with wonderful snapshots throughout the newspapers, televisions and internet of Sasha and Malia racing through the beautiful green lawn, with their furry best friend in tow!
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Posted by ladidah146 at 06:00 AM
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