What women in their 20′s want


28 April 2009

There’s nothing quite as frustrating as the quasi-menopausal temperature shift that inevitably hits the East Coast each and every spring. One day, it’s 75 degrees and sunny and you’re ready to call out sick to play Frisbee in the park; the next, you’re bundled in a scarf, gloves and cursing the decision to live in a venerable winter wonderland 9 months of the year, wondering if those Floridian retirees are onto something.

When wearing white before Memorial Day is not an option and Ugg boots are out, what’s a lady to do to get through the wacky weather spell that blesses and curses New York City until the last week of June – when, undeniably, it will become so scorching hot you’ll have no choice but to indulge in Tasty D-Lite at regular intervals?


230 5 (newyork.se)


Like a good friend who reminds you to keep on working for the weekend (and those delicious roofdeck cocktails at the bar at 230 5th Avenue), The Vogue City presents its list of transitional wardrobe pieces that will not only carry you from spring to summer, but may even make you appreciate the hot and cold spells that are more sizzling and icier than the ones you give to your ex-boyfriend, twice removed.


-A lightweight cashmere cardigan is not only great for layering under a crisp poplin blazer, it also pairs well over a bikini at the beach. Just make sure to shake out the sand before you return to the office.
-A pashmina – or any big, comfortable and oversized scarf – doubles not only as a wrap over black tie cocktail dresses, but looks fresh when twisted into a necklace substitute with a tube top.
-Knee high leather boots – the same ones that got you through last month’s snow squalls – will keep it kicking until the end of April; pushing them into May is questionable. Proceed with caution and be forewarned that such a decision will leave even an Adidas-clad street meat vendor scratching his head in bewilderment.
-Ribbed tanks layer well under just about anything and everything and are an absolute staple from January to December.
-Moleskin pants and skirts – also known as faux suede – are heavy enough to block a gust of chilly wind, but light enough to give your gams room to breathe when the mercury rises. Switch to seersucker or a three-season wool blend come June.

old navyelie tahari

Other items – a twill trench, peep toe flats and a penchant for bargains – are year-round staples that get the green light no matter what the weather. Just don’t blame us if your boss discovers you’re “home with a head cold” while shopping on 7th Avenue.

-Karyn Polewaczyk

Posted by karynpol at 12:00 AM
APPAREL , BARGAIN GUIDES , bargain news , Fashion: Trends, Style, and Business , Style , STYLE/BEAUTY |

27 April 2009



With temperatures and sunlight soaring past springtime standards, the follow up post to last week’s sun safety tips couldn’t come at a better time. The Vogue City is positioned as the lifestyle guide to living in the city on a budget; coincidentally, the best method of preventing sun damage is also the cheapest. Sunscreen – gobs of it – is absolutely essential as part of the battle against UVA and UVB rays, the precursors responsible for sun damage, sunburns, wrinkles and skin cancer. (UVA is what leaves that leathery, splotched skin that sunbathing beauties of yesteryear are known for; UVB goes deeper and causes cellular mutation, which can lead to skin cancer.)

When we say “gobs,” we mean using far more than a precarious dab of Le Mer: experts say that an adult should apply a golfball-sized amount to face and body every 2 hours while outdoors, and more frequently after swimming and toweling off (even if you’re using a waterproof formula). Keep this in mind when galavanting about the Soho House in your finest Shoshanna two-piece suits, ladies.

Coppertone packs a one-two punch with their NutraShield formula in SPF 30 ($10 for 6 fl. oz. at Duane Reade). Its package claims it’s “designed” for women: with added antioxidants and a hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic blend, we’d have to say it’s also on par with our dermatologist’s orders.

If sticky palms, a by-product of sunscreen application, has you down, reach for Banana Boat’s Ultra Defense continuous spray in SPF 85 ($8-$10 at drugstores). Like Coppertone, Banana Boat’s newest formula contains cell-friendly antioxidants and aloe vera, plus a seriously kick ass level of SPF that will cause last year’s sunburn to be a memory of summer’s past.


Still not convinced you’re ready to switch to the lighter side and nix your tanning habits? Ask the guy on the blanket next to you in Central Park if he’ll mind dabbing a bit of SPF on your shoulder as you blissfully sip an iced latte. Enough said.

-Karyn Polewaczyk

Posted by karynpol at 06:00 AM
BARGAIN GUIDES , bargain news , BEAUTY |

20 April 2009

As a child, my summers were spent off the coast of Massachusetts on Cape Cod. In addition to collecting seashells and making sandcastles, my sister and I would develop golden tans – by-products of swims in the Atlantic Ocean, intense games of paddle ball and lunches on our matching Mickey Mouse towels – that would make Donatella Versace proud. This was in spite of the fact that my mother applied sunscreen to our bodies and faces religiously, a practice which was often met with protests and gawking at the white streaks left behind on our arms and calves. We, with olive skin and freakish Eastern European genes, simply didn’t burn, freckle or peel.TheOnion-Tanlines

That was then. Fast forward to 2009, where natural skin is in, glowing orange faces are out, and applying sunscreen is the norm for January through December – never mind June through August. I spent this past weekend in Manhattan enjoying the (finally) spring-like weather decked out in a t-shirt and sandals as I enjoyed a patio brunch in Murray Hill, shopping on Fifth Avenue and people watching in Central Park. Six sunscreen-less hours later, I discovered I’d developed a mild sunburn on my face, chest and arms.

With an overwhelming amount of products, from liquid foundation to body lotion to lip balm, containing copious amounts of SPF 15 and higher and a bevy of self-tanning products to fake a bake, there was no excuse for my renegade behavior. And, with the promise of warmer weather (finally!) on its way and a wardrobe shift that includes more skin exposure, now is the time for a small public service announcement to The Vogue City readers about sun safety. Thanks to the American Cancer Society for the following tips:

-Cover up (this one can be tough on scorching days in the city when temperatures can push past 90 degrees, but it’s pretty much the most fail-proof way to avoid UV damage)
-Use a sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher (I’ll cover some of those previously mentioned products in next week’s beauty post – but, really, SPF is available in just about everything)
-Wear a hat (and let your fedora fetish shine brightly)
-Wear sunglasses that block UV rays (even the $5 Gucci aviator knockoffs on Canal Street carry UV protection; check the lens for a sticker indicating UV protection)
-Limit direct sun exposure during midday (this can be another tough one with our extremely finite summer season; ain’t nothing wrong with sitting in the shade, though)
-Avoid tanning beds and sunlamps (duh)

Besides, tan lines are so 1987.

-Karyn Polewaczyk

Posted by karynpol at 06:00 AM
bargain news , BEAUTY |

13 April 2009

If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, you’d better make sure your peepers are looking their best.  A good eye treatment, whether it be a cream, a serum, or Mother Nature’s favorite remedy – beauty sleep – can work wonders on the delicate area around the eye.  Unfortunately, this also the first area to show age.  While we can’t promise to turn back the hands of time, let The Vogue City show you how to have a good time with these tried-and-true eye treatments.

My first stop:  Cosmedicine’s Eye Specialist ($45 at Nordstrom and Sephora), which promises to “lighten and brighten under eye circles, soften fine lines and wrinkles, and tighten skin around the eyes.” 



It didn’t mention anything about curing my Sunday morning hangover from the five or six dirty martinis I’d consumed the night before, but I was curious to see if it would have any effect on the cruel set of bags under my eyes I’d also awoken with.  The cream, which is dense from a combination of botanical extracts, Vitamin C and anti-inflammatories, sank into my skin without a greasy residue that some eye creams are notorious for.  It also performed under the pressure of the three coats of concealer I’d applied, setting the pigment without creasing, which inspired me to celebrate with three more Bloody Marys.

Next up:  Best Bath Store’s Intensive Under Eye Treatment ($34.95 at bestbathstore.com). 



This treatment was more like a mousse, delightfully whipped full of minerals, chamomile and soy peptides, and produced a cooling sensation when applied.  It felt so great that I didn’t read the instructions to apply it only at nighttime – as in when you go to sleep, not when you go to disco – and decided to wear it under my normal cloak of makeup armor which caused some smudging of my mascara.  Such is a risk one must take as queen of the dancehall.

Last, but never least, comes a product from my favorite wallet-friendly line:  Burt’s Bees and their Healthy Treatment Royal Jelly Eye Creme ($14 at drugstores). 


 Not only is this product 97 and some odd percent natural, it also smells delicious.  The creme is just that – a heavy creme full of royal jelly, an extract that is, oddly enough, also used as a weight loss supplement; Vitamin E and aloe vera – use sparingly for best results.

The Vogue City’s verdict is in:  whether you’re 25 or 95, save fine lines for pinstriped pants, and stick with a good eye treatment to handle the rest.

-Karyn Polewaczyk

Posted by karynpol at 06:00 AM
bargain news , BEAUTY , STYLE/BEAUTY |

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