Posted by Bindra at 02:46 AM
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Posted by Bindra at 02:01 AM
LA Sample Sales , Men's Clothing , Today's Sales , Women's Clothing |

-The sale event is organized at the Paragon store on Broadway near 18th Street, a nice area to explore after you finish shopping
-The “sample sale” is on the first floor, in the back; look for the sign “No regular priced merchandise beyond this point” Duh.
–The space was packed when I arrived at a few minutes before 5PM. I would assume it is less crowded in the morning.
–There are shoes, shoes, and more shoes. Well, technically sneakers, and other kind of sport shoes. For you, for your significant other and the kids. While the styles might not be the ones you saw on celebrities last week, you can definitely get a good deal on some good runners. Well, unless of course you wear size 10, and then you get the worst selection. Why is it that at every sale I have ever been to, size 10 has the worst selection?
–There are also tees, and jackets, swimwear, tennis rackets, and golf equipment, leggings, yoga mats. Well, you get the idea, a little bit of everything.
-The items I looked at were all discounted 50%, although the sale ad mentions deeper discounts. I assume there were racks I’ve missed, I wasn’t there for long, so everything is possible.
-For those with patience, there might be some gold hidden on the crowded racks. There were at least a couple of Moncler jackets I have seen discounted at 50%. The one in the photograph was a size 6, not my size unfortunately.
WHEN: 9/6 – 9/18; W-F (9-8:30), Sat (10-8), Sun (11-7), M-F (10-8:30)
WHERE: 867 Broadway
New York, NY 10003
Posted by Staff Writer at 07:30 AM
Sample Sale Reviews |

Posted by Bindra at 02:10 AM
Calendar Pick , Handbags & Accessories , Men's Clothing , Men's Footwear , NYC Sample Sales & Retail Sales , Sample Sales NYC , Today's Sales , Women's Clothing , Women's Footwear |