When a coworker suggested slipping out to grab a treat, I thought he meant a diet coke or some M&Ms. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect to find a smorgasbord of decadent desserts parked outside our office door. The Treats Truck is pure heaven on wheels and never fails to draw a huge crowd of cranky 9-5ers in need of a serious pick-me-up.
Personally I cannot resist something sweet- especially when I’m locked up in an office all the live long day. I know, i know- it’s bikini season, but I would rather stay on the treadmill for hours than skip a yummy snack. I just have to remind myself: it’s all about moderation. But a bite or two can’t really hurt. . . right?!
The menu has all your favorite baked delicacies and a few extra special concoctions in the mix too like Cookie Sandwiches and Mexican Brownies. All of the treats made our mouths water while keeping our wallets full since they run from $.50 to $3.00.
Even better, the truck runs on Compressed Natural Gas, the most fuel effecient gas available today!
To find out when and where you can get your treats, check out TreatsTruck.com.
Posted by Staff Writer at 02:04 PM
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