29 September 2016
WHAT: $200 worth of discounts from Lebaaz for a 3 minute survey
WHY: Lebaaz is giving $200 worth of discounts from VIVE, GLAMSQUAD, BARI STUDIO, CAEDEN, JACKTHREADS and STANTT for taking a 3 minute survey
Lebaaz is a NY based startup seeking your opinion to make shopping easier. We want YOU to chip in and tell us how we make shopping online easier for you. Take our 3 minute survey and as a thank you we will email you discounts worth almost $200 from our partners.
You tell us what you hate and love about online shopping and how we can make it better for you. You vote, We Fix.
WHEN: 9/30 – 10/16
WHERE: Online, Survey Link https://lebaaz.typeform.com/to/AAGB3Z
Posted by Bindra at 11:30 PM
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