Today we continue our “Influential NYC Blogger of the Day” mini series, which features writers who were ahead, perhaps even pioneers, of the fashion blogging boom. So far we’ve highlighted shutter-happy Scott Schuman of “The Sartorialist“, social media darling Bryanboy, and the Advanced Style blog.
Today we’re talking about Leandra Medine, founder and editor of the “Man Repeller” blog.
Leandra Medine is a New Yorker to the core. Not only was she born and raised in the bustling city, she also attended the Ramaz School on the UES and then hit the books in Greenwich Village’s The New School, where she studied journalism (an apt major, as it turns out).
While sifting through the racks of clothing at TopShop way back in 2010, the then-21-year-old experienced a lightbulb moment. It was there — amongst the hanging garments — where Medine came up with the idea her successful blog, “Man Repeller“.
“We were laughing at how everything was so man-repelling: acid-washed harem pants and enormous shoulder pads, and I just said, ‘That’s it! That’s the blog,’” she tells the NY Times.
And so from there on out, Medine photographed herself in various outfits showcased trends that surely many men would meet with a side eye. The idea of the blog wasn’t to turn men off, necessarily, but to play up the fact that women’s fashion is just that: women’s fashion. Women tend to dress for themselves and for each other and not to woo the handsome fella sitting in the corner. It’s the confidence that does the wooing, not the sequined blazer or sky high stilettos.
The Man Repeller blog still lives on today. What’s especially cool about the Man Repeller, aside from its brazen “I do what I want” mentality, is that Leandra Medine was barely at the legal drinking age when she founded it. And it exploded virtually overnight!
Where is Man Repeller today?:
In 2012, Forbes featured Medine in their “Top 30 Under 30” issue, TIME included the blog on its “25 Best Blogs of 2012” list and it received the title of “Best Overall Blog” at the 2012 Bloglovin’ Awards.
The Man Repeller blog is still going strong, but Medrine has more on her plate, these days. She’s either got an amazing PR agent in her ear or she knows how to capitalize on her blog’s popularity.
In addition to mingling with front rowers at various fashion shows, she’s launched a capsule collection at Beverly Hills’ Neiman Marcus (dubbed “Man Repeller x PJK”). Additionally, Medrine released her debut memoir in late 2013 — at the age of 24, mind you — titled, “Man Repeller: Seeking Love. Finding Overalls.”
Why is this blogger successful?
There’s something about Medrine’s blog that’s relatable and unfussy. That, paired with her keen sense of style and wit, makes The Man Repeller an undeniable hit. Often people comment on her age and “being so young!” for the success she’s found (we did it here…), but Medrine would have been a hit even if she was 31 when she founded the blog.
What do you think about the Man Repeller blog? Do you think Medrine’s celebrity status was rightfully earned? And what do you think about her style?

By Wendy Rose Gould
Posted by Wendy Rose Gould at 12:50 AM
Opinions , People |

Today’s installation of our “Influential NYC Blogger of the Day” mini series, which features writers who were ahead, perhaps even pioneers, of the fashion blogging boom, highlights the “Advanced Style” blog. Thus far, we’ve given you the 411 on shutter-happy Scott Schuman of “The Sartorialist,” and social media darling Bryanboy.
We live in a world where youth and novel reign supreme. NYC blogger Ari Seth Cohen, however, is bucking the “younger is better” mentality with his blog, “Advanced Style”. The street-style blog, founded in 2008, features golden girls and boys (read: mature women and men) whose outfits are worthy of capturing and showcasing for the world to see.
“Respect your elders and let these ladies and gents teach you a thing or two about living life to the fullest,” writes Cohen on the blog’s about page. “Advanced Style offers proof from the wise and silver-haired set that personal style advances with age.”
Browsing through the incredible outfits that Cohen snaps and posts, you’ll quickly realize what he says is true. These ladies and gents know how to dress. And dare I say many of them dress better than your run-of-the-mill 20-somethings.
Where is Advanced Styled today?:
Today, the words, “Advanced Style” are on the lips of notable members of the fashion elite and sprinkled in haute glossies across the globe. It seems that people believe in the idea of highlighting the sartorial savvy senior set.
While Cohen set out to influence those in his own age bracket — 20 and 30-somethings — or at least show them that the elderly have a sense of style, too, he’s found that the 60-and-up men and women appearing on his blog have actually inspired their own generations.
“I get emails all the time: ‘I’m in my seventies, I saw someone wearing striped socks on your blog, I’m going to buy some tomorrow,'” he recounts to Telegraph UK. This has given him the idea to work with brands and designers to bring more accessible fashion to the often neglected older crowd.
Though we have yet to see a book deal or collaboration with designers, we’re sure there are good things in store for Ari Seth Cohen and Advanced Style.
Why is this blogger successful?
Finding a niche is imperative to one’s success, and that’s exactly what Cohen’s done with Advanced Style. While he focuses on a specific set of people — those who’ve earned their gray hairs — his blog appeals to generations beyond the 60-and-up posse. We love that he’s not afraid to push the line in a world that seems to forget that older isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
What’s your take on the Advanced Style blog? Do you think more blogs of this type should pop up, or is one enough? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!

By Wendy Rose Gould
Image credit: Advanced Style & Advanced Style Film: Long Trailer
Posted by Wendy Rose Gould at 12:00 AM
Opinions , People |