WHAT: Satya Twena Sample Sale
WHY: Hats and hair accessories at 50-70% off retail prices at the Satya Twena Sample Sale. The sale will also include millinery materials.
Cash only for purchases under $100.
Credit Cards accepted on purchases over $101.
All sales are final.
WHEN: 10/5 – 10/7; W-F (10-6)
WHERE: 212 West 35th Street
12th floor
between 7th & 8th Avenues
New York, NY
SUBMITTED BY: TheStylishCity.com
For the complete list of today’s sales and sample sales check HERE
Posted by Bindra at 02:57 AM
Calendar Pick , Handbags & Accessories , NYC Sample Sales & Retail Sales , Sample Sales NYC , Today's Sales |

WHAT: Satya Twena, Makins Hats, and Sol A Mer Sample Sale
WHY: Amazing pieces from the most recent collections up to 60% off retail prices at the Satya Twena, Makins Hats, and Sol A Mer Sample Sale.
Each hat is handcrafted in Satya Twena NYC Hat Factory (where the sale is happening). There will be hats for every occasion, including the Derby, and you’ll be able to find a beautiful gift for Mother’s Day.
WHEN: 4/6 – 4/8; W-F (10-6)
WHERE: 212 West 35th Street
12th floor
between 7th & 8th Avenues
New York, NY
SUBMITTED BY: TheStylishCity.com
For the complete list of today’s sales and sample sales check HERE
Posted by Bindra at 01:05 AM
Calendar Pick , Handbags & Accessories , NYC Sample Sales & Retail Sales , Sample Sales NYC , Today's Sales |

WHAT: Satya Twena & Coco and Breezy Sample Sale
WHY: Accessories and eyewear at a discount at the Satya Twena & Coco and Breezy Sample Sale.
Brands include Satya Twena hats, Coco and Breezy eyewear and Makins men’s hats.
WHEN: 9/16 – 9/19; W-F (11-6:30), Sat (noon-6)
WHERE: Satya Twena Studio
212 West 35th Street
12th Floor
Between 7th & 8th Avenue
New York, NY 10001
SUBMITTED BY: TheStylishCity.com
For the complete list of today’s sales and sample sales check HERE
Posted by Bindra at 01:37 AM
Calendar Pick , Eyewear , Handbags & Accessories , NYC Sample Sales & Retail Sales , Sample Sales NYC , Today's Sales |

WHAT: Satya Twena Sample Sale
WHY: Up to 70% off women’s and men’s hats at the Satya Twena Sample Sale.
Includes Makins men’s hats and Satya Twena women’s hats.
WHEN: 4/23 – 4/25; Th-F (10-7), Sat (11-6)
WHERE: 212 West 35th Street
12th floor
between 7th & 8th Avenues
New York, NY
SUBMITTED BY: TheStylishCity.com
For the complete list of today’s sales and sample sales check HERE
Posted by Bindra at 12:38 AM
Calendar Pick , Handbags & Accessories , NYC Sample Sales & Retail Sales , Sample Sales NYC , Today's Sales |