Judith Leiber

9 April 2012

Don’t Miss This Week: D&G, Zwilling, Judith Leiber, Rena Lange, Diamond in the RoughAfter a savory holiday weekend of delicious home cooking and overindulgence in desserts, come today you may be looking for ways to work off that second helping. I have a new work out routine for you to abide by this week – bargain shopping in New York City! The adrenaline rush of being among the first to step foot inside a sample sale and the race through the store in order to grab your favorite designer’s duds before anyone has a chance to snap it up for themselves is a sure fire way to burn a few excess calories and get that heart pumping. So throw on your cute gym outfit and instead of wasting time on a treadmill, run out to grab yourself some cute new finds!

This sale could have come in handy last week, before you had to cook for twenty this weekend, but stock up for the next holiday and treat your inner chef to brand new and top of the line cookware and cutlery at the Zwilling J. A. Henckels Sample SaleStarting Wednesday, April 11th at 10AM Zwilling will be selling their useful and long lasting cookware for up to 70% off at the Chelsea Hotel. A safe tip: Avoid fighting over the last knife set with a fellow bargain hunter.

Sure to be a popular sale, arrive early and get ready to utilize those running shoes as the doors open at the D&G – Dolce & Gabbana Sample Sale in the Meatpacking District (407 W 13th St). Said to be carrying over 3,500 tops, dresses, skirts, jeans, etc., this sale is certain to have a treasure or two for you. Bummed that you can’t get there the first day? New items will be arriving daily so don’t fret!

Who doesn’t love spring and summer clothing? Rena Lange is Judith Leiber & Diamond in the Rough Sample Salehelping to provide you with a new warm weather wardrobe as the Rena Lange Sample Sale kicks off Sunday, April 15th at 10AM. A shocking up to 90% off women’s couture, accessories, and shoes will be on hand at the sale’s Meatpacking District location on West 14th so you can pick up armfuls of colorful fabrics for the weekends and beautiful summer suits for the work week.

After a stop at Rena use those muscles to lug your bags uptown as you power walk to Soiffer Haskin on 33rd Street for a duel sale of 50-70% off one of a kind diamond pieces and up to 70% off exotic handbags, accessories and eyewear at the Judith Leiber & Diamond in the Rough Sample Sale.

Whew, what a workout! After all of that hard work I grant you full permission to treat yourself to a stellar bargain this week. I personally would recommend that the treat be in the form of a beautiful new pair of diamond earrings, but hey, that’s just me. I’ll leave you to it and provide you with a few parting words of comfort: It’s not considered splurging when it comes to indulging in food on a holiday and it certainly isn’t considered splurging if your spending money on bargain shopping!

By Caitlin Colford

Posted by Caitlin Colford at 12:00 AM
SALES , Sample Sale Previews , The City |

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