What’s a Mystery Box?
Not to be confused with beauty boxes, which send you sample or medium-sized products via a monthly subscription, mystery boxes are exactly what they sound like: “surprise me” packages.
Essentially, you pay $X for a “mystery box” or “mystery bag” and the company sends you one or more items valued at more than what you paid. The items included are typically excess inventory that the company wants to move off their virtual shelves, creating a sort of win-win for both parties. In short: the buyer gets a good deal and the company makes way for new stock.
Companies That Sell Them
For example, ModCloth recently offered up a “mystery shoe” and “mystery garment” option on their website for $15 each. Instead of adding a specific item to your cart, you added the “mystery item,” specified your size and headed to check out. A week or so later, buyers got a package at their door with absolutely no idea what was nestled inside. All “mystery bag” buyers know is that the item is worth more than what they paid for (the ModCloth item retailed between $30 and $300, for example), which definitely makes for a fun mail day.
Of course, ModCloth isn’t the only company participating in the mystery bag bonanza. Companies such as Old Navy, Burt’s Bees, Julep Maven, JewelMint and BaubleBar — even sellers on Amazon, eBay and Etsy — have offered their own renditions.
Sometimes it’s a mystery item they’ll throw in with $X spent on other items. Other times it’s an actual gift card. For example, Victoria’s Secret is currently offering a “free secret reward card” with every $10 online purchase that’s valued between $10 and $500. These are essentially incentives to spend more.
Personal Experiences
I’m not going to lie. I find the whole thing very enticing. There’s something about scoring a good deal and getting a surprise in your mailbox that makes me want to jump on the “mystery box” train trend and never get off. And yes, I did buy the ModCloth mystery garment box offered last week.
The day it showed up on my doorstep was an exciting one and I could barely wait until company left to tear the box open. Inside was an adorable dress, titled the “Helsinki Prom Dress,” with a black tulle bottom and stretchy black top. Perfect for an evening soiree. The only problem? When I tried it on it was too small. I had specified a size medium and received a size small.
I spoke to another woman, Chicago resident and lifestyle blogger Michelle Shea Walker, who partook in the ModCloth mystery bag surprise, as well. Her results? “It was a dress that just wasn’t really my style, so I gave it away on a contest on my blog,” she told me. She also said the fit wasn’t flattering to her coloring or her figure. “I’d do it again just for the fun if budget allowed. It’s kind of exciting waiting for the surprise.”
It’s not always a sour experience, though. For example, a blogger at TheSwatchingSprite (a nail polish blog), purchased a mystery box from Julep Maven. “You’d pay $19.99 for a box that could contain anything from $60-$200…worth of products,” she writes. “I thought it would be fun to participate. I ordered my box within a couple of hours of them announcing it.” The verdict? Amazing, according to her. “The first thing I saw was the $120 gift card jumping out at me! Before I could look any further, I was running into the other room to wave my certificate in front of my husband’s face.” She also received a plethora of satisfactory products.
Is It Worth Your Money?
This all brings me to my next point. These mystery boxes are a gamble. If you don’t like the item or it doesn’t fit, in most cases you’re S.O.L.
You buy. They ship. End of story.
In my specific case, because ModCloth had sent the wrong size when I specified a medium, I did get a refund and got to keep the dress. If they had sent the right size and it didn’t fit, though, I would have a dress that didn’t fit and a bank account with a $15 debit. That’s not the kind of surprise I like.
When it comes down to it, is the element of surprise worth it to you? You’ll be hard pressed to find someone who doesn’t love surprises, but there’s always the argument that you could spend the same $15 on a discounted product you picked out yourself. And is the reason these items are being sent off for at least half their price because they’re bad sellers? Or off trend and out of season?
If you’ve had any mystery bag experiences, please share them in the comment section here or on our Facebook page. We’d love to hear both positive and negative experiences.
By Wendy Rose Gould
Posted by Wendy Rose Gould at 09:00 AM
bargain news , Insights , Opinions , Saving Tips , SHOPPING , Shopping News , Tips Guides |

Even though December 31st and January 1st are only a day apart, there’s something about the beginning of a new year that makes us all feel like we’ve started afresh. Call it a second — or third, fourth or 20th — chance to get it right, call it a clean slate. Whatever you dub it, though, take advantage of the new year’s sense of renewal.
Like many, I do come up with a list of resolutions and goals for myself every year. Most of these goals hover somewhere between the categories of lofty/unobtainable and “things I should be doing anyway.” In the end, I find it’s best to make resolutions that better my body, mind and soul and have the potential to turn into lifestyle changes — not just a 365 day challenge.
Some resolutions are more personalized (such as traveling more or budgeting time more efficiently) while others are lifestyle habits we can all benefit from (exercising more and eating better both qualify, and are two of the most popular new year’s resolutions).
Another new year’s resolution we can all benefit from is better shopping habits. This boils down to money management, but the way we shop also says a lot about our personalities. For example, some people rarely shop around to find a better bargain while others hurriedly shuffle to the discount rack even if they’re not in need of anything.
The shopping habit I’m most guilty of? Online bargain shopping. During my free time, you can catch me perusing deals on designer duds at eBay, sifting through the hundreds of Etsy stores and clicking on any e-advertisement promising a good deal.
I’m also signed up at myriad monthly subscription websites — including JustFab, Birchbox, BeautyFix and JewelMint — and receive about 20 to 30 emails daily from various clothing/jewelry/makeup stores. The worst part is that while many delete these daily emails, I’m guilty of checking out what’s new (and what’s discounted), which only tempts me further.
This year, I’ve made a vow to cancel all my monthly subscriptions (who needs a new pair of shoes every month, really? My husband refuses to look inside my closet for fear of the great shoe avalanche) and will only allow myself purchases when absolutely necessary (e.g. special occasions or a new fitness gear when mine’s ready to be tossed).
Perhaps in the coming years I’ll be able to make goals like some of my other friends, who vow to go an entire 365 days without buying even one new piece of clothing or pair of shoes. For now, though, I’m taking baby steps. After all, new year’s resolutions are about making changes that translate into lifestyle habits.
By Wendy Rose Gould
Posted by Wendy Rose Gould at 10:45 AM
Opinions , Points of View , Shopping News , Shopping Trends |