So you’re an established graphic artist. You have an awesome portfolio and your own business. Does still matter how you dress?
How many times did you hear that one should not judge a book by its cover? Do you?
If book covers didn’t matter, why does every book have one? Why not just write out the title and author all in the same font? Hemingway’s books might get away with that…
The truth is that we are highly visual creatures. We judge things by their appearance, whether we want to or not. Let’s face it – if how things look didn’t matter, we’d be out of business!
If a book has a poor cover, who’s going to care what’s inside?
The first thing people see is what matters the most. It influences how they judge all that follows.
Will clients judge you by how you’re dressed or by your portfolio?
How you’re dressed IS part of your portfolio!
Because of our profession we have a little bit of lenience. You don’t have to stuff yourself in a business suit. In fact I would not recommend that. Show off that you’re a creative spirit!
There is a lot of advice out there on how to put together a portfolio. And how the first item should be the very best, as it sets the tone. Well, I believe that, in reality, how you look is your first portfolio piece. Treat is as such.
And one word of the wise; this is an advice I heard a long time ago but it makes a lot of sense: “Never drive a more expensive car than your client.” I believe the same rule would apply to wardrobe also.
Posted by Jana Rade at 01:36 AM
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