It’s easy to beat yourself up. You compare yourself to friends or family members, even complete strangers. Your eyes will glance from your outfit to the next person’s ensemble, or you’ll compare your dinner with your Instagram feed’s never ending supply of food shots. Maybe you feel like you’re not moving up the ladder as quickly as you want, or that your love life could use some work.
We all do it. We all critique ourselves harshly, and with much more disdain than we’d ever consider judging another person with. We could tell you to just stop being so hard on yourself—and we are telling you to do that—but we also want to share this list with you.
It’s a list comprised of 20 reasons why you’re doing better than you think you are. On it: you question yourself, you can afford your morning cup of coffee, you have multiple outfits in your closet, and you’ve lost relationships.
- You paid the bills this month.
- You question yourself.
- You have a job.
- You have time to do something you enjoy.
- You are not worried about where your next meal is coming from.
- You can eat because you enjoy it.
- You have one or two truly close friends.
- You could afford a subway ride, cup of coffee, or the gas in your car this morning.
- You’re not the same person you were a year ago.
- You have the time and means to do things beyond the bare minimum.
- You have a selection of clothing at your disposal.
- You can sense what isn’t right in your life.
- If you could talk to your younger self, you would be able so say: “We did it, we made it out, we survived that terrible thing.”
- You have a space of your own.
- You’ve lost relationships.
- You’re interested in something.
- You know how to take care of yourself.
- You’re working toward a goal.
- But you’re not uncompromisingly set on anything for your future.
- You’ve been through some crap.
By Wendy Rose Gould
Image credit: Shutterstock.com
Posted by Wendy Rose Gould at 12:30 PM
Opinions , Relationships |