As one of the largest snowstorms to ever hit NYC comes bellowing in with a mighty fury, there’s one thing we can’t help but notice: New Yorkers are having fun with it. Sure, there’s a little bit of panic in the air, as the long, long lines at Whole Foods (pictured) may allude to. But there’s also a spirited sense of excitement and, perhaps, even rekindled youthdom. See for yourself via these tweeted images.
@AnthonyQuintano snapped a panoramic shot of the mall in Central Park amidst the NYC whiteout
@artofdessert: “My sister-in-law in the #NYCblizzard with her umbrella.”
@RapidAndi: “Times Square in the snow with @nicole_rae eating a Cake Pop.”
@SalAbbinanti‘s shot of this nearly nude cowboy in the middle of Time Square makes us cold, but kind of warms our hearts.
@zahraS: “Even during a snow blizzard New York manages to find a way to cheer up!”
@JessicaPilot212 says, “Live from Central Park” and asks tweeters to caption this lovely photo.
@wisnefski‘s got this eerie photo of an empty 6th avenue — “a strange sight at 5 p.m. on a Monday,” he writes.
@FinnHarries: “Bring on the New York snow storm.” One pro for this crazy blizzard: You have a really good reason to break out that fuzzy winter apparel.
@EverythingNYC says, “Huge flakes in Times Square!” It’s hard to make out the clothing, but true to New York form we’re seeing lots of black.
@cubieking snapped this image of a man with an umbrella and a cane.
@RowNYC‘s image makes us wonder just how much the snow makes us feel like children again.
@BusMinCommunity shared this photograph with a little bit of advice via GrubHub: “Tip your ‘Food Heroes’ well during #Blizzardof2015.”
@christinaaa28 tweets this picture live from NYU: “Snow selfies on campus.”
@CarianneHix demonstrates that despite a gnarly blizzard, you can still look fabulous. We’re not sure if that’s a polka-dotted or snowflake-dotted umbrella, but we dig it.
@AmandaWills writes, “Lines wrapped around the block at Whole Foods.” The preppers are patting themselves on the back right now.
By Wendy Rose Gould
Image credit: via Twitter
Posted by Wendy Rose Gould at 11:44 PM
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