Recipes For Perfect Skincare…. Look No Further Than Your Fridge
, New York, NY
These days it seems like more and more, the cost of beauty treatments and products are rising. We know the importance of good skincare, however we don’t believe you need to spend a fortune on it! In fact, we challenge you to open your refrigerator door and get creative! Now, I know at this point you’re thinking…”HUH!?! How in the world can skincare products come from my fridge?” Well my fellow recessionistas, we have researched some of the best natural recipes that are easy to make and proven to be as effective, if not better than those pricey alternatives.
Has this winter weather given you a bad case of dry skin? has a great recipe for an Avocado Face mask that is incredibly moisturizing. You just need ½ of an avocado and ¼ cup of honey. Just mash up the avocado and mix in the honey. Once you’ve applied the mask to your skin leave on for 10 minutes and rise off.
Did you stay out too late the night before, because missing the opening of the newest ultra chic hot spot was worth the resulting puffy eyes the next morning? No problem! Just prepare two tea bags, soaking them in water, removing excess liquid and chilling them in the fridge for a few minutes until cold. Place the bags on your eyelids for 5 to 10 minutes and you’re done!
Looking for that instant glow? Mix together equal amounts of milk and honey until they make a smooth paste. Once you have a good consistency simply brush all over your face and neck and relax for 10 minutes, while it does all the work! Once the time has passed, rinse and glow!
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Read More: Beauty, Organic Beauty, Recessionomics, STYLE
Posted by ladidah146 at 05:42 PM
bargain news , BEAUTY , STYLE/BEAUTY |
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