March 19, 2013: What You Need to Know in 60 Seconds. Hermes, Judith Leiber, Lafayette 148 and Mulberry
, New York, NY

Bargain shopping is like a game of cards: you play the hand you’re dealt, but you have to know the rules to play it well.
Unless you know the trends, the brands and yourself, you simply cannot be a successful bargain hunter. Learning the ropes takes time, but if you are serious about your wardrobe and your wallet, it is time well spent.
The names Hermes and Birkin certainly don’t need any introduction on this site. What you might not know, however, is that RueLaLa has three “pre-loved” Birkins to give away and you could be one of the lucky winners. Enter for a chance to win this iconic handbag by sharing the giveaway information with five friends.
Starting at 11AM:
We all have to go a social event where we have to look fabulous at some point in our lives. Judith Leiber promises the perfect accessory to any little black dress and tower high pumps.
Starting at 12PM:
Lafayette 148 is also a well known brand that’s loved for its well tailored, luxurious pieces equally suited for nine to five or after-work cocktails.
Don’t forget to also check out the Mulberry handbag sale on Beyond the Rack before it ends on March 22.
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Read More: Accessories, Apparel, Bargain Shopping, BeyondtheRack, Birkin, Dresses, Gilt, Giveaway, Handbags, Hermes, Judith Leiber, Lafayette 148, Mulberry, Online Sample Sales, Ruelala, Sample Sale Previews
Posted by Mirela Gluck at 07:00 AM
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