Long Lines Are Worth It at Jil Sander Sample Sale
, New York, NY

First, be prepared to wait at least 2 hrs to get in at the Jil Sander Sample Sale. I waited 3. With the line curving past the end of the block, about 30 people are allowed in every hour and shoppers have 60 minutes to shop. Coat and bag check in effect. At the 2hr mark of being on the line a Cantonese celebrity emerged from 5 Crosby (I asked when some Asian ladies ahead of me began staring across the street and gesturing towards the guy)
There were a selection of shoes; boots, heels, flats, etc, most averaging just $35. However, not many sizes left. There were also a few hand handbags for the taking.
I was intrigued by the collection of skirts (mainly silk) in pretty colors and patterns/prints. There were also a number of silk dresses in similar colors as the skirts. It is important to note that this sale featured lots of small sizes.
There were quite a few long sleeve button down shirts as well as winter coats. There was a large table with sweaters and cardigans of different discount rates.
Overall there was a nice mix of color, black and neutrals. Most items are 80-85% off, with a few items being 90% off. This sale also features men’s items so grab your significant other and make it a his and hers shopping spree, if you’re up for the wait.

WHEN: 4/16 – 4/19; Tue-F (10-6)
WHERE: 8 Crosby Street
4th Floor
between Howard & Grand Streets
By Jessica Florent
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Read More: Accessories, Apparel, Coats, Dresses, Footwear, Handbags, jessica florent, Jil Sander, Sample Sales, Sample Sales Review, Separates
Posted by Jessica Florent at 12:00 AM
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