Gone in a Flash: A Review of the Jason Wu for Target
, New York, NY

Flocks of women and just about every single style blog on the Internet has, at some point, talked about the Jason Wu for Target collection within the past several months. Though the talks were long and the sneak peaks left mouths salivating at the thought of Wu’s clean lines and chic prints at a mere fraction of their typical high fashion prices, the 53-piece collection sold out in a mere 24 hours, making it all seem like nothing more than a whirlwind fashion dream.
Many expected things to sell out quickly, just like they did for the Missoni for Target and Versace for H&M collaborations. Sunday morning, though, took some shoppers by surprise. Target doors across the United States opened and after oohing, ahhing, grabbing — and perhaps some clawing — took place, only a few straggler pieces were left for the late arrivers to pick through. Even the exclusive pieces online are nearly all sold out, with only one or two items left for the taking, including the Long Sleeve Sheer Blouse in White with Black Ribbon ($34.99) and Collared Cap-Sleeve Pleated Blouse in Gold ($26.99).
Though most items seemed to disappear in a Wizard-of-Oz-style POOF!, I was lucky enough to check out the clothing and accessories in person. I even tried a few garments on.
My verdict? While most of the accessories are chic, modern and appropriate for a variety of ages, the actual garments were disappointingly sub-par.
Perhaps it was the post-shopping frenzy, but a number of garments had untrimmed thread strings hanging down and nearly every piece — aside from the coats, shorts and some skirts — were made from fabric that was simply too sheer. A lot of the Jason Wu for Target pieces look like they’d be ideal as stand-alone garments, but because of the sheerness, layering is almost necessary.
I also found that a number of pieces were ill-fitting, and after browsing through other post-sale online gossip, realized I was not alone in thinking so. Most of the dresses are quite boxy, so a narrow belt is necessary to create a more flattering silhouette. In addition, many of the T-shirts are constructed from a clingy fabric that requires perfectly fitting bras/undergarments. Unless, of course, highlighting unsightly bulges is your mission. I suppose less-than-quality products are what you should expect when paying $46 for a designer dress. Still, it’s disheartening after all the hoopla.
Quality aside, the actual design of the garments are clean, sweet and ultra feminine. That said, the majority of these pieces seem to be best suited for the 30-and-under crowd. Many of the garments have a “granny-esque” look to them, which 20-somethings may be able to pull off, but can date those who are older.
In short: Thank you, Target, for bringing designer duds to budget-conscious Americans. And Thank you, Jason Wu, for your chic designs. To improve your go next time around, let’s work with higher quality fabrics and perhaps bump up the collection from 53 pieces to at least 100. I’d happily pay an extra $20 for better fitting garments in materials that aren’t prone to ripping (and that you can’t see through).
P.S. Missed the sale but still want the look? Check out eBay, where hundreds of garments are now being sold. You’ll find some at decent prices, but a large majority now have price points at least triple the MSRP.
By Wendy Rose Gould
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Read More: Jason Wu, Jason Wu for Target, Sample Sales Review, Target, Wendy Rose Gould
Posted by Wendy Rose Gould at 12:00 AM
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