Friday Is For Fashion In Fabulous Los Angeles
, New York, NY

It’s a fact: there is a lot of ex-New Yorkers living in Los Angeles. Sure, you can say what you want about the laid-back lifestyle and lack of seasons, but if you experience LA, you might stop scoffing their lack of culture. There are a lot of trendy restaurants and fashion events, and like it or not, the LA fashion district is giving NYC some competition.
Still, here at The Stylish City, we are not leaving New York City soon. We have decided, though, to introduce our readers to the other upcoming fashion capital of the world, sunny Los Angeles.
If you visit LA, you will see a vibrant fashion culture, complete with fashion shows, sample sales, warehouse sales, and distinct LA-style fashion trends. The LA sample sales are different, too – Fridays are always your best chance at scoring an amazing sample sale.
The last Friday of each month, some of the world’s most high-end designer showrooms open to the public and offers contemporary fashions typically seen only on film or the pages of fashion magazines. Even better – they slash the prices so almost anyone can become a trendy fashionista! Please note not all showrooms in the district take part in this monthly event. Most of the showrooms that participate accept cash only.
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Read More: Los Angeles, New York, Sample Sales
Posted by Staff Writer at 10:30 AM
Los Angeles |
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