Dolce & Gabbana Sample Sale Review 3/24

25 March 2011

Dolce and Gabbana fashion. In Line, On line, waiting for fashion on line. For 1 hour in the cold. The line outside the Metropolitan Pavilion was at best, one to two hours long Dolce & Gabbana Clothing Racksall day long for the opening day of the Dolce and Gabbana Sample Sale at the Metropolitan Pavilion’s 4th floor showroom. David Yurman Sample Sale is a few stores down. Escada is on 19th, at the sister Metropolitan Pavilion, but not the same building, no, it is one building north. Passerbys kept asking about these sales. Everyone was excited to get in. When we finally got in, rode the elevator up to the 4th floor, and checked in our belongings, I found the place was well lit, roomy, no lines at the register and not at all crowded.

Did it deliver? No. The price was high, and not clearly labeled on the merchandise. All items at the Sample Sale had a tag/barcode with the year of item. The price list was based on year of item. So, all 2011 was 50% off, 2010 60% off, 2009 70% off, and 2008 and below was 80% off. Most items were 2009 and 2010. The big catch is…There is not that much stuff there, people! Half the stuff there is for men. There were less than 8 rows of woman’s clothing.

Dolce & Gabbana Shoe RacksThere is, however, a great assortment of clothing, dresses, suits, skirts, pants, shoes, belts, jewelry, purses, key-chains, and evening wear. It had the most equitable distribution of fashion and clothing category I have ever seen. Just a little bit of everything. There were more shoes and boots and belts and purses and fashion jewelry than what you usually see at a sample sale, but a bargain? Bargain Jenny wouldn’t say so. I can get 60% off at sales in stores. I don’t have to wait an hour, check in my bags/coats, go in with only my wallet and phone, and I can return the clothing if I change my mind.

Not everything was in mint condition. A few of the shoes had pretty worn soles. A few bags had torn handles. No, they were not marked down.

The balance is: Dolce and Gabbana has so many beautiful things. It is a great clothing line. Oh, theirDolce & Gabbana Sample Sale Line fashion shows! If you are looking for hot deals or the best deals, here you will not find those. You will find some select beautiful pieces, standard overstock and a variety of other items carefully placed at reduced, sale prices. Remember, they are D&G items, so they are lovely. Is it worth it to wait in a line that I predict will only grow? Yes, if you are a family visiting from Europe, this sale is for you. If you are head of a family from the Tri-State area, and you are hitting the Escada sale too, and want to buy some stuff for your son and husband, this sale is for you!

If you are a bargain shopper living in NYC, skip this sale. Spend your time at Philip Lim, where proceeds benefit Japan. When interviewed in the NY Times Magazine Lim shined and I recall his quote, “Some days peanuts, other days shells.” This D&G sale is a shell. Dolce and Gabbana, itself, however, is a peanut. Peanuts, shells, clothing, deals, fashion trends, fashion blogs… useful, happy, and good in right time and place. They will not be restocking. What they have out is what they have. They may reduce prices, however. Judging from the lines at the registers, and the bags people were carrying out, I think they will. But if you are a family, GO there now!

Dolce & Gabbana BeltsDolce & Gabbana Price ListDolce & Gabbana  Worn Shoe Sole

3/24 – 3/27, Th (9-7), F-Sat (9-6), Sun (9-1)

WHERE: Metropolitan Pavilion,
123 W. 18th St. 4th Floor (between. 6th & 7th Ave.)

Bargain Jenny 

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Posted by Bindra at 09:44 AM
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