Be the Barefoot Contessa, if only for a day!

26 December 2007


Whether you’ve harbored hopes of being the Ava Gardner version of the Barefoot Contessa (from the 1954 film) or the Ina Garten version (of the cookbook and show of the same name) you will enjoy this delight I’ve found.

Crate and Barrel is having a sale, as is most every store in America right now. They are offering the Barefoot Contessa Peanut Butter Brownie Gift Set at the reduced price of $14.50 (from $28.95).

This gift set includes a delicious brownie mix full of chocolate chips and roasted peanuts, a non-stick dishwasher-safe pan made of carbon steel, and a cute little spatula with a birch handle. The spatula has a muted-orange colored ‘head’ but you can remove that if you don’t care for the color.

This is a great deal. If you were to buy brownies this good, you’d probably have to spend as much. This way, you get a pan and spatula, as well. If you’ve been wanting to bake something for a friend or a boyfriend (etc.) – why not surprise them with this? Baking something yourself always is so much nicer than just buying it.

Or, wrap this up and use it as a gift. The season of giving is never really over. This would be nice as a birthday gift for a foodie-friend, or as a house-warming gift. And when college kids go back to their dorms, they would love the gift of baked goods – and something like a pan will be helpful to them later on in life as they start to bake for themselves.

Giving someone something you made, that’s nice and thoughtful!

Giving someone something you made that’s definitely delicious? That’s just smart!

You can purchase it directly from: this link.

Ciao for now!



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Posted by Mirela Gluck at 11:59 PM

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