New York City

Are You IN2 CKIN2U?

29 June 2007

Calvin Klein must really want you to buy their new fragrance, CKIN2U. Otherwise they would not have come up with a fancy website, complete with a myspace-ish network in which you can search other users by what they are “IN2”. As in “i am IN2 hugs”. I am IN2 books. That type of thing. Calvin Kline also held a contest for filmmakers; you can see the winners on the site.

It’s clear that CKIN2U is a young person’s perfume. The name resembles a text message. And an older person might find the site confusing. The tagline “a tension that creates sexiness” definetly belongs in the milieu of the young. But that doesn’t mean that if you’re over 25 you can’t wear CKIN2U. Even if you’re not a text message afficionado, you can still enjoy the notes of CKIN2U: pink grapefruit fizz, sicilian bergamot, red currant leaves, sugar orchid, white cactus, neon amber, and red cedar. I can’t tell if its a perfume or a mixed drink, but either way, I’ve got to get my hands on a bottle! I am so IN2 it!



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Posted by Mirela Gluck at 02:36 PM

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