April 4th, 2013: What You Need to Know in 60 Seconds. Shirts and Ties, Perfect Jeans and Fine Jewelry
, New York, NY

It’s Thursday, which means that it’s already too late to get a dinner reservation for this weekend. It’s amazing to see how obsessed New Yorkers are with their restaurants. I admit that I, for one, love good food, follow new restaurant openings and have the weird habit of giving grades to each dish. Yes, seriously.
Let’s get back on track and address the main topic: money saving strategies. For example, today I’m following three sales and I am going in prepared.
Above the Belt: Shirts and Ties Featuring Valentino; Starting at RueLaLa at 11 a.m.
I know my husband’s shirt size, so at 11 a.m. I’ll be ready to hunt. I also know that he has enough white shirts, but can use some additional colored shirts. He owns a Valentino shirt, so I am familiar with the quality. The stars are aligned for a good purchase to happen.
Finally, The Perfect Jeans Starting at RueLaLa at 11 a.m.
No need here to emphasize the utilitarian quality of jeans in general, or their inherent sexiness. What information could I possibly have about a jeans sale that you might not? Well, I read Womens Wear Daily (WWD), and according to them, it seems as though the colored jeans trend is over. It’s OK you bought those neon jeans last year, just don’t do it again. Dark, classic colors and quality jeans are back, so get ready.
Fine Jewelry by Robert Coin Starting at Gilt at 12 p.m.
This designer is known for his understated elegant pieces, which, in my opinion, are a good buying decision. If you decide to buy fine jewelry, buy a name that has “a liquid market.” What does that mean? Go to eBay and type in the name of the designer. If there are any items for sale made by that designer, that means that the name of the designer has enough weight for you to be able to resell it later on down the road. Hopefully you won’t ever need to sell it, but if you do, you want to sell it as a designer piece and not just for its weight in gold. Robert Coin is one of my favorite jewelry designers and I approve of buying from him.
That’s it for Thursday, ladies and gents. If you have connections at the restaurant Perla in the West Village, please do let me know; I really really want to have dinner there on Friday night.
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Read More: Accessories, Apparel, Dress Shirts, Fine Jewelry, Gilt, Jewelry, Online Sample Sales, Roberto Coin, Ruelala, Sample Sale Previews, Shorting, Ties, Valentino
Posted by Mirela Gluck at 07:00 AM
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