April 23rd, 2013: What You Need to Know in 60 Seconds. Elizabeth and James & Manolo Blahnik
, New York, NY

Is there an age limit to wearing certain brands? I personally don’t think so, and I am not sure why companies continue to use teens to model their clothes. There is indeed a certain beauty in youth that no cosmetic procedure can replicate.
However, this is what I have personally discovered: I can get away with wearing youthful clothes (nothing ridiculously young though, like shorts or minis) as long as I feel good about my body. And that is why I have decided to lose 15 lbs.
Now, this might be more information than you need, but I need you to be my witnesses and maybe this will motivate you too to start the process of finding this new younger identity. And I will need the clothes to help me get motivated to lose weight.
Starting April 23rd at 12 p.m. on Gilt.com: Elizabeth and James
Starting April 23rd at 3 p.m. on RueLaLa.com: Currently Obsessed: Elizabeth and James and More
Somebody defined the Olsen sister brand as having “nonchalant sophistication” and I loved it because that’s is the kind of style I like to emulate. Looking for a perfectly tailored jacket, or a little black dress cut to perfection and adorned with unexpected details? These are excellent additions to anyone’s wardrobe, regardless of age.
Starting April 23, 3 p.m. at RueLaLa.com: Manolo Blahnik
I like the new changes at RueLaLa.com. First, they created a new time slot. While everyone rushes between 11-12 on flash sale sites, RueLaLa experiments with the 3 p.m. I personally like it, and I hope it works better for those of you with nine to five jobs. If I remember correctly from my nine to five days, that was about the time we were running downstairs for the second Starbucks of the day.
Oh, but I digress. I am here to tell you about Manolo Blahnik. What can I possibly tell you about Manolo that Carrie Bradshaw has not? Probably nothing. Just be there at 3 p.m.
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Read More: Apparel, Dresses, Elizabeth and James, Footwear, Gilt, Manolo Blahnik, Olsen Sisters, Online Sample Sales, Ruelala, Sample Sale Previews, Separates
Posted by Mirela Gluck at 01:30 PM
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