April 11th, 2013: What You Need to Know in 60 Seconds. Lanvin, Lafayette 148 New York and Chan Luu Jewelry
, New York, NY

Are you familiar with the concept of needs and wants related to your personal budget and wardrobe? When you look at an item, are you able to quickly identify which category it falls into? Let me explain.
There are items we need in order to put together outfits that help us land a job or look good on a date. Then we have the “wants,” or the items that make us look fabulous and make our BFFs slightly jealous.
While a little dose of fabulous is necessary in anyone’s wardrobe, it’s important to make sure your needs and wants are in line with your lifestyle and budget. If your discretionary income allows you to have all the wants your heart desires, you probably don’t need to read my advice. If you do stick to a budget, though, a good rule of thumb is to dedicate 20% or less of your wardrobe to wants and the rest to your needs.
Today’s selection is a perfect example of needs and wants for the New York girl.
Starting at 11 am at Ruelala.com: Lafayette 148 New York falls into the needs category.
A New York brand, the label is a perfect recommendation for a desk-to-date collection, a safe bet, and a must have in my wardrobe.
Starting at 11am at Ruelala.com: Chan Luu Jewelry
The famous wrap bracelets will most certainly enhance enough outfits to make it a sensible investment, therefore could be a “need” for many of us. I have a purple one and I am looking today for the same style in another color.
Starting at 11am at Ruelala.com: Lanvin
Lanvin is the oldest fashion house in operation, still true to the vision of its founder, Madame Jeanne Lanvin, who valued fine craftsmanship and extraordinary ornamentation above all. While patent leather cap-toes and an “it” bag are necessities, the prices of this reputable fashion house make it prohibitive for most. Do I need it? No. Do I want it? Oh yes.
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Read More: Apparel, Chan Luu, Dresses, Footwear, Handbags, Jewelry, Lafayette 148 New York, Lanvin, Online Sample Sales, Ruelala, Sample Sale Previews, Separates
Posted by Mirela Gluck at 07:00 AM
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