Picture Perfect Skin...
...starts with the foundation.
, New York, NY
On beautyblitz.com there is a section to browse celebrity runway or advertisement looks. They explain how it was achieved. I loved Kate Moss’ make-up in the new YSL ads, so I visited the sight to see if I could find out which color palate was used. An hour later I had browsed nearly all of the celebrity looks and discovered one important thing: foundation.
Normally not one to coat my face with pore clogging agents, I have a slight aversion to foundation. For photographs, it’s necessary, but in every day life, probably not. Except when the two intersect: the holidays. Amongst my friends are mini paparazzis running around our holiday parties snapping photos and tagging us in Facebook before bed. So for these winter pictures, we’re going to need to turn up the base.
Remember back in August – Splurge or Save? Well foundation topped the splurge list. Mainly because it covers your whole entire face, you want something quality. Light and airy foundations are of course, ideal; but if you have red spots or require more coverage you are going to have to add. Still feeling sticky? Try a highlighter – an even lighter version of foundation. You might want a bit more moisture in the dry winter and match, match, match.
Because you are buying quality, you have plenty of options at Bloomie’s or Bendel to try different brands and shades. Add the rest of your make-up carefully because when you have a solid foundation, the rest sticks to your face better. Then smile for the camera because you won’t have to untag yourself in pictures from tonight.
Emma Dinzebach
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Posted by Emma Dinzebach at 09:48 AM
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